Not quite quitting

Matt, I have read your posting, and I must say I am glad to see you have not decided to quit all together. I have had simillar descisions to make due to a variety of injuries. At 50 I sometimes feel I am pushing my luck, but the level of enjoyment I gain from continuing far outways any pain I have to deal with. I simply work around injuries as they come. The health benefits that are gained within the TKD workout are excellent. Jumping, is "usually" out of the question for me also. But, there is so much more to it than that. I have been stuck at a belt level more than once, waiting to heal. Also, at this point in time, I feel good at the level I have achieved, and am not nessassarily in any hurry to promote. I am fairly certain I will promote again eventually, but that has little bearing on the now. I am learning my limits and how to heal myself and enjoying it for what it is. Good luck.

Your dedication to training is what is important and it is clear that you are continuing to be a better martial artist. As others have mentioned, you don't need the belt around the waist, you've earned the respect of your dojang-mates through your continued hard work and perseverance. Keep up the good attitude!


I am humbled reading about all of your MA experience and the mountains you've climbed to get where you are. Be proud of it all ... you've done so much.

I'm at my fledgling MA place and I want to give things a lot of thought. It isn't the early stages of TKD that scare me, it's the later ones that I see as a huge challange. I LIKE a challenge but have to be sensible about things.

I'm thinking about a lot of things and especially about what you said. I think I will take my MA journey one step at a time.

Sending warm thoughts to you! I am sure this is a difficult decision ... but everyone is on your side and it sounds like you got some great advice.

No shame at all ...

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