not fun

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I am not looking forward to this at all

I have had sleep apnea issues whenever I was sick for awhile now but a few months back that crossed over to even when I was feeling fine so I went to see an MD or 2 and tonight I am part of a sleep study…happy happy joy joy :disgust: .

Should be interesting, hook me up to a bunch of wires, put a camera on me and then tell me to sleep….. Somehow I do not think I will be doing much sleeping.

Anyone had this done?
Sorry to hear about your problems..No, I have not participated in that kind of program..Keep us posted Xue...
No, but I will be thionking of you. Hang in, I hope all is well and turns out well.
No but I am contemplating on forcing my husband to do this!

I hope you get your issue resolved soon!
I hope everything turns out alright for you.

My dad, uncle, and Grandpa (all same side of family) all have sleep apnea and they sleep with those machines with the masks over their nose and mouth. I forgot what it's called..c-pac?? I'm sure it took them a little while to get used to sleeping with the machine, but they can SLEEP so they rather use the machine as opposed to the alternative. I wonder if I'll develop sleep apnea later on since sometimes I think I stop breathing.

I hope you don't have sleep apnea, but if you do, I'm glad we live in an age where you can do something about it to help. :asian:

C-pac is the correct name and many of the people I take care of use them at night.

Sorry to hear about your problem. Hopefuly the test will come up with some good results for you.
Do't think I could do much sleeping all hooked up and being watched. My best to you in you efforts tonight.
My step father has serious sleep apnea issues and had to do a few sleep studies. He wnet from a special dental device and is now using the c-pac. The increase in his energy level is quite dramatic. So, as much as the sleep study sucks, the benefits of proper treatment can't be stressed enough.

Hang in there and good luck :)

I have quite a few people in my family who have sleep apnea problems. They went through this test and had the same happy happy joy joy attitude. Surprisingly, they said it was not too hard to sleep and the results helped the doctor decide whether or not they needed help at night to keep breathing.

As much as this is not something you are looking forward to, the result of needing a sleep apnea apparatus to help you at night will make you feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Every member of my family has stated that it is the best thing they have ever done. One word of caution, don't start playing with the dial and turning up the strength of the apparatus yourself. My dad did this and well... the results weren't great, he ended up in the hospital.

Good luck Xue, will be thinking of you.
Xue I wish you the best of health in this situation.

Before in olden times it was known as the witch or Succubus. The saying the witch riding my back refers to sleep paralysis. Thankfully we have modern understanding and treatment.

Check this out:


You know..... I may just buy a Didgeridoo... Anything is better than that mask.


Of course this means I could go from being thought of as a somewhat crazy MA guy that beats on trees to a Didgeridoo playing Yoga, taiji guy. and everyone will think I have gotten calm, enlightened and peaceful....... and they won't know the truth until it is to late :EG: I LIKE IT!!! :D
Thanks everyone I will be heading off to the hospital soon. Of course I have no idea why I need to get there so bloody early, but that is what they want so I will be heading out in about an hour.
Well the deed is done.

I had to laugh after I was all wired up because all I could think of was that I looked like a bad special effect robot from a 1950s science fiction movie..or... a borg :borg:. However at about 3:50AM I had enough of the wires, cameras and plastic bed covers. However I made it to 5:30AM (with a banging headache) and I got up and left as scheduled. Now I just have to wait to see what the MD says.

I did learn that there are people that range form normal (5 apnea incidents per hour) to sever (100 apnea incidents per hour.) I am guessing I am somewhere between normal and mild.

But after seeing a film about that mask I am REALLY going to buy a Didgeridoo to see if that will actually help. I REALLY do not want to spend the rest of my life wearing that stuff on my face to sleep if I can avoid it. :uhohh:

Besides I have always thought a Didgeridoo was pretty cool, I just never knew you could buy one a play it..... it may drive the neighbors nuts but I'm moving within the next year anyway….. only problem there is one of my neighbors is armed….he’s an LEO :D

Sorry I missed this yesterday, but yeah, I've done this as well. I had to go back a second and third time, and was allergic to the damn tape all three times. Bad enough with all those things taped to you and having to try and sleep, but having the tape come off with some of the skin its attached to was no picnic either.

Long story short, I got one of those miserable masks and the sleep apnea went away. My wife was overjoyed, and I was miserable. I then accidentally stumbled upon a better way than the mask...

I really wanted another way out from under the apnea. I LOVE my sleep, like I love my dinner ;) I think I was in the 50-60 category, so I was not getting any real 'rest'. Every morning I woke up tired, and if I slept in late, like say..8 hours or more, the 'hangover' headache I woke with was nearly unbearable. Now, I don't mind the occasional hangover but I certainly like to earn it if I'm going to have it! The freebies I could do without!

So....immediately after I got the cursed contraption I also had a cracked rib heal and went back to sparring at class. I wanted to lose weight to keep up with the 17 and 18 year olds I was sparring, to try and keep up with their youthful explosive speed. I worked hard and went from 220 pounds to 190, and the sleep apnea went away completely without the aid of that cursed mask. Dropping the weight was all that was necessary for me. I don't know if this is a universal cure, but i was told by my doctor that almost 100% of sleep apnea sufferers are overweight or obese. :)

So, before you drive yourself crazy trying to learn to sleep with that wretched thing strapped to your face, bust your *** to lose a few pounds if you're overweight. I was 220 on Christmas morning 2007 (and probably went up a few pouinds that day as well), and was down to 190 by last April 15th. I was 193 this morning, and my wife says she cannot remember the last time she heard me snoring. All the snoring in our room now comes from the chocolate lab sleeping by the dresser! All the hangovers from sleeping in are gone, and I feel better every day.

If you can lose some weight, try really hard to do that immediately. If you are already slim and fit, I guess the contraption is your best bet. But losing weight, to me anyway, is a far FAR better alternative than the mask.

Good Luck brother!
So, before you drive yourself crazy trying to learn to sleep with that wretched thing strapped to your face, bust your *** to lose a few pounds if you're overweight. I was 220 on Christmas morning 2007 (and probably went up a few pouinds that day as well), and was down to 190 by last April 15th. I was 193 this morning, and my wife says she cannot remember the last time she heard me snoring. All the snoring in our room now comes from the chocolate lab sleeping by the dresser! All the hangovers from sleeping in are gone, and I feel better every day.

If you can lose some weight, try really hard to do that immediately. If you are already slim and fit, I guess the contraption is your best bet. But losing weight, to me anyway, is a far FAR better alternative than the mask.

Good Luck brother!

Actually I am wroking on that, I should be about 220 but I am not. Back in the old days my fighting weight, or at least the weight I felt REALLY good sparing at was 228. But I am older now and I am working on it because I do not want the mask.
Well... I've got my diagnosis

Mild to moderate sleep apnea so its diet and didgeridoo for a while because they want to fit me with that damn mask and have me spend another night there and at this point I don't want to.

But on a better note my wife and I bought an air filter and put it in the bedroom and she claims since we have done that she has not seen me have any problems.

Also, although I am not sure this has any effect or not I have been training Pranayama breathing
I missed this yesterday too. I also had to have a sleep study done about a year or so ago. It wasn't fun, I didn't sleep well, wires everywhere, and if you knock one off in your sleep they come in and wake you up to re-hook it.

Fortunately, even though I had a couple of minor apnea episodes and some "leg" issues, it wasn't enough to warrant further treatment.

Good luck to you Xue. :)
I missed this yesterday too. I also had to have a sleep study done about a year or so ago. It wasn't fun, I didn't sleep well, wires everywhere, and if you knock one off in your sleep they come in and wake you up to re-hook it.

Fortunately, even though I had a couple of minor apnea episodes and some "leg" issues, it wasn't enough to warrant further treatment.

Good luck to you Xue. :)

As I said to the nurse after I had a bunch of wires connected to me 2 bungee cords wrapped around me and a thing taped under my nose to monitor my breathing that actually was also wrapped around my ears to hold it on.

"So... You actually expect me to sleep do you?"

I kind of did... but by 3:50 AM I had enough and contemplated leaving but I made it to the appointed hour of 5:30... Filled out the paper work... went home.
Air filters are very good things. I don't know if I had/have sleep apnea but I have struggled with asthma on and off since I was about 10 or so. I started using one in my bedroom in the early 90s and it helped my sleeping a lot.

I'm not a doctor, but if you keep working on your weight loss, and playing the didgeridoo, I bet you have a decent chance of keeping the issue.

Another idea for you...I have braces, and my orthodontist in MA states that he has a sleep apnea solution that is an alternative to CPAP. I don't know what that solution is, but I can put you in touch with him if you ever want to ask him some questions. :)

Best of luck my friend :asian:
Air filters are very good things. I don't know if I had/have sleep apnea but I have struggled with asthma on and off since I was about 10 or so. I started using one in my bedroom in the early 90s and it helped my sleeping a lot.

I'm not a doctor, but if you keep working on your weight loss, and playing the didgeridoo, I bet you have a decent chance of keeping the issue.

Another idea for you...I have braces, and my orthodontist in MA states that he has a sleep apnea solution that is an alternative to CPAP. I don't know what that solution is, but I can put you in touch with him if you ever want to ask him some questions. :)

Best of luck my friend :asian:

Thanks Carol....

You know I was just thinking, I do beleive I can blame trees for this too. If it wasn't for that damn tree jumping me.... I would not have had to stop training and gained weight in the first place..... OK the tree was the final straw in a year of constant injury but I STILL blame trees :D