Nok Kerambit Training Knives Are In.....

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Nok Kerambit K-Bit Trainers are in and can be purchased at our IRT Store:

The Instinctive Edge

$Nok Kerabmbit Website.jpg

See why Nok Knives are simply the best training knives out there and why they are a go to training item for serious knife training professionals:

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I've been using a Nok for ten years and it's still in great shape. I was thinking about getting some for some friends. Let me find my camera and I'll post the one I'm looking for. If you have it available I'll get it from you.
Hi Brian,
I took a pic but can't post it, my computer is messed up and I await my guru to fix it. I pretty sure it's the 9 inch eagle, I'll post it in a few days. I'd like your opinion on which you find the best to train with of the ones you offer.

I'll be getting at least three from you.
Hey Buka,

I like them all but train the most with the Eagle, Phenix or Kerambit! The Eagle is by far the most popular model!
Brian, my computer is still sick, can't access your site. Can you P.M. me with the cost of Two knives (the eagle), including shipping etc and the address to send a check, money order, whatever.
These Nok Kerambits have been selling great! If you want to train realistically and very hard then I fully endorse getting Nok Knives and training with them!
Nok Knives are in stock. I had massive orders recently from several North American military operational groups. If you want to train with what are considered the finest training knives in the world then please feel free to contact me!

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