Nicklestick Balintawak Video Clip!

I have never heard of this variation before.



Nick Elizar used his first name and the first syllable of his last for his organization. He trained with GM Velez. I believe it was his group that was part of the History channels show Human Weapon on FMA in the PI.

Never heard of Nickelstick, or never heard of the butting techniques...?


Nickelstick Balintawak the variation of the Balintawak style. After almost 27 years in the FMA's I would have to be really lost never to have heard of butting techniques.
Nice clips
I Know I have seen most of the techniques before and have taught many of them at one time or another
stil it is a great clip and thank you for posting them as I had never incountered the style befor
As I understand it, Nick Elizar ported over his former Teovel's club chapter to form his own club/association. I don't think I'd go so far as to call it a variation rather than a name change.


I believe Robert has it correctly, or we share similiar sources or deduction methods, for this is what I believed as well.
I have never heard of this variation before.


Hello Brian,

Hello Brian,

Nickelstick was formerly the White Chapter Club Division of the Teovel Balintawak Arnis headed by Grandmaster Nick Elizar one of the twelve Masters commissioned by Grandmaster Teofilo Velez to spread out and propagate our martial art for him in 1982. The acronym NICKEL was derived from his first name Nicomedes for NICK and surname Elizar for EL.

Those techniques he portrayed were part of the advance lessons of the Teovel Balintawak Arnis as taught by Grandmaster Teofilo Velez. There are still some techniques you can learn in the Balintawak Arnis aside from that butting technique demonstrated by Gm Nick in the Master’s lessons (Cuentada) and all of those techniques were found in the original teaching of Anciong Bacon.

Aside from the butting techniques, the Balintawak Arnis also had the semi-hitting techniques, chockablock-hitting techniques, pushing and pulling techniques, double attacking techniques, triple attacking techniques, the abortive and preemptive techniques and countless counters and re-counter techniques.

But some teachers of the Balintawak Arnis are very cautious not to show it in the videos for the reason that it might be miscopied by some bad people who only like to destroy the legacy of our great Grandmaster Venancio (Anciong) Bacon.
