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Mar 6, 2006
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Finally got a chance to post a photo of our new cat, Sampson. We adopted him from the Connecticut Humane Society.


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We have his twin Brother living with us...
He looks very happy perched on your couch!

Congratulations on adopting from a shelter - that's where I got my dog, too, and unless I want a purebred dog for some reason, that's where I'll continue to go in the future.
He looks very happy perched on your couch!

Congratulations on adopting from a shelter - that's where I got my dog, too, and unless I want a purebred dog for some reason, that's where I'll continue to go in the future.

Thanks. My wife volunteers there part time so we get first pick. :)
Beautiful, HK! I love those orange tabbies... I've had a few and they always seem to be very sweet-natured critters...

We've always adopted. Or sometimes been adopted; an old cat of mine, Nigel, showed up as a stray kitten and sat atop our wooden compost heap boxes day in, day out till we threw in the towel and brought him into the house. But mostly they've been from the Humane Society, or our vet, or Cat Welfare...
my wife and I always adopt/get adopted from shelters as well.

We have found that although we can choose a dog, the cats have to choose us!
Keetoom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

*Ahem* Sorry. I just really like cats. Congrats on the new addition to the family. May the sound of purring be your alarm clock for many years to come. :)

Best regards,

He's gorgeous! Is he named after the churchyard cat stories? I actually had a female ginger cat once, quite rare, sadly she got run down.
I actually had a female ginger cat once, quite rare, sadly she got run down.

I've lost not a few cats, due to the blind crest we lived on. We did have a female orange tabby (again, quite rare) who got run over, but she dragged herself to the edge of the road and meowed until we found her. Her hip was shattered, but we took her to the vet who fixed her up as good as new, after weeks of recovery and eye-dropper feeings. Her scrape with death never affected her personality at all, and she had many more happy years.

Best regards,

Man, makes me want to get a cat again. We had a Siamese/Manx mix and she was a terror... It was great :)
Had to give her to my sister when we moved, though :(
Lucky cat. :) I used to have an orange and white cat. He was the friendliest thing ever. The vet told me at the time that orange cats always seem to be the friendliest cats.

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