


Hi everyone.

Just thought id say hello:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: and introduce myself..... My names Daniel, im 24 and from Scotland
Pleasure to meetcha. What style do you study?

"How's does You do it" ;)

Or in other terms... What styles do you pratice?

howdy daniel, this is a great place, good folks too. i hope you enjoy it also...........respects.
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Ive done a wee mixture in my time so far..... studied Karate, Judo, Ju Jitsu, Muai Thai and Aikido... I have just enrolled in a Tae Kwon-do class and am hoping to get a place in a freestyle club shortly when one becomes available.

Hows about you lot? what styles do you study? how long you been studying?
Thanks for that, will go take a look
Hello Daniel; glad to have you here lad! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by daniel_r

Hi everyone.

Just thought id say hello:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: and introduce myself..... My names Daniel, im 24 and from Scotland

Hey Guy, Welcome from the Deeep South:asian:

Gene Gabel