Newbie from Australia


White Belt
Hi everybody...

New to the forums here, am living in Cairns, in the north of Queensland, Australia.

I have just taken up martial arts again, studying Toshin Do under a local instructor, after a long break... I used to study Karate up until 1994 when I moved north.

Hope to find a few people to chat with, seems like a nice forum here

Welcome to MT! Hope you enjoy it here we've loads of topics, nice people and good humour. No discussions of rugby though lol!
Welcome to Martial Talk! Hope you have a great time training To-Shin Do, it is a good art, and I love it personally. We are getting a few more practioners here on MT and hopefully our little part of this world will expand and grow as our art expands and grows.
Welcome to MT! Hope you enjoy it here we've loads of topics, nice people and good humour. No discussions of rugby though lol!
Welcome aboard! With all of the varied folks here on MT it wouldn't surprise me one iota to find a rousing discussion about rugby going on somewhere.:ultracool Brutal sport, that one.