New Tracy DVDs

I'm assuming that you've seen them, and are giving us a review? If so, could you expand a bit on what you like about them?
They are Quick Reference DVDs rather than in-depth instructional DVDs. Each DVD contains the self defense techniques performed slowly, then at about 1/2 to 3/4 speed/power. Each DVD has techniques performed in the air, on an opponent, then each basic and kata shown at a slowed pace and again at about 3/4 speed.

There is no in-depth theoretical instruction. The DVDs are very simple, and very quickly to the point. They show HOW to do everything, no whys.

I have seen many instructional DVDs where someone will begin a technique, and then take as much as 5 minutes to get to the end, stopping to explain every little nuance or variation along the way. While they are certainly a valuable resource and have their place, it will be nice to have a set that shows the movement, and moves on.