New Tracy DVDs


White Belt
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score

These DVDs are amazing. The quick reference DVDs are finished Yellow through 5th black. The instructors training DVDs are super in depth and a must have for any serious kenpo practitioner. Steve Finn has put out a super product!

From Mr. Tracys web page. Mr. Finn will be doing more DVDs on Tracys Kenpo. If you are interested in Tracys kenpo, Steve Finn is the best.

I'm assuming that you've seen them, and are giving us a review? If so, could you expand a bit on what you like about them?
They are Quick Reference DVDs rather than in-depth instructional DVDs. Each DVD contains the self defense techniques performed slowly, then at about 1/2 to 3/4 speed/power. Each DVD has techniques performed in the air, on an opponent, then each basic and kata shown at a slowed pace and again at about 3/4 speed.

There is no in-depth theoretical instruction. The DVDs are very simple, and very quickly to the point. They show HOW to do everything, no whys.

I have seen many instructional DVDs where someone will begin a technique, and then take as much as 5 minutes to get to the end, stopping to explain every little nuance or variation along the way. While they are certainly a valuable resource and have their place, it will be nice to have a set that shows the movement, and moves on.
Thanks for the clarification Dave. :)
I have the yellow belt dvd and it is very good