New to Tae Kwon Do


Yellow Belt
About a month ago I put a post in the Meet & Greet section as I was new to MT. At the time, I was not even enrolled in any type of Martial Arts, but had always wanted to do it. Now at 42 I felt I was too old to start. I just want to thank everyone who sent me some encouraging words. Since I have a busy schedule, and wanting a school close to me also, I attended several classes at diffrent schools to observe the training. I ended up joining a school close to me which is a Tae Kwon Do school. Not only did I join, my wife and three of my four daughters are taking it too. One of my daughters is mentally disabled, but does enjoy watching her sisters do Tae Kwon Do. Anyways, I have now been doing it for two weeks and really enjoy it. I look forward to attending the next class. I have never been really flexiable, but I'm getting better and realize I have some sore muscles where I thought there were no muscles, as well starting to lose weight. I go three times a week, if it was not for work, I could go more, but got make money so I can stay in this new way of life:wink:
I am stoked to hear that you and your family are taking up the arts as a family adventure! Aside from the semi-mundane cutsie sayings ("The family that kicks together sticks together";"...throws together, goes together";"...plays/prays together stays together" etc) I think that it is an awesome chance for each member to do something that is fun and active!

Regarding your zeal for this new lifestyle, I congratulate you with a small careful not to burn yourself out. 2-3x a week is good enough to get consistent instruction while maintaining a "hunger" for more.

Always stay hungry!

Congrats again and keep us posted on you and your family's progress.
I am glad you are so excited- that is awesome!
Keep us posted, we are all here to help and to learn.
Congratulations to you and your family!

I have to ask, too, about the daughter you mentioned who is mentally disabled and enjoys watching. Why isn't she participating as well, if she's interested? I have 2 students who are mentally disabled; 1 is physically disabled as well (cerebral palsy). They both have IQs in the upper 60s; one has Down's and the other (with CP) was oxygen-deprived at birth. They are both great students, and my other students and I have learned a great deal from their participation. They take much longer to learn and progress, but neither one has ever given up - they are both currently halfway between 7th gup and 6th gup (high yellow and green belt) as I have broken the requirements into smaller pieces for them so they can see their progress, as it generally takes them 3-4 testing cycles to progress between belt ranks. If the instructor is agreeable and willing to modify for you daughter, and she wants to, there's no reason why she can't participate as well.
Congratulations to you and your family!

I have to ask, too, about the daughter you mentioned who is mentally disabled and enjoys watching. Why isn't she participating as well, if she's interested? I have 2 students who are mentally disabled; 1 is physically disabled as well (cerebral palsy). They both have IQs in the upper 60s; one has Down's and the other (with CP) was oxygen-deprived at birth. They are both great students, and my other students and I have learned a great deal from their participation. They take much longer to learn and progress, but neither one has ever given up - they are both currently halfway between 7th gup and 6th gup (high yellow and green belt) as I have broken the requirements into smaller pieces for them so they can see their progress, as it generally takes them 3-4 testing cycles to progress between belt ranks. If the instructor is agreeable and willing to modify for you daughter, and she wants to, there's no reason why she can't participate as well.
Thank you Kacey for asking about my disabled daughter. There are two reasons why she is not taking Tae Kwon Do, the first is because she had major back surgery for severe Scoleosis in December and is in a brace similiar to a body cast. She has to wear the brace pretty much 24/7 and will be in it for the next 5 mos. After that she will have another 6 -9 mos of physical therapy to strength the back. Then we'll have to check with her doctor on her limitations since her back now has rods, screws and is fused all theway down from the base of her neck to her lower back. Second reason, age wise, she is 16, but mentally a 2-5 year old. She may be able to comprehend somethings. Also, when introduced to something new, she has tantrum fits and at times will lash out at others. We are hoping, that with her watching her sisters all the time, and being around the others at the school, she will get use to it. If her doctors clear her to take Tae Kwon Do, we're hoping she will be adjusted by that time. Our instructors are great, in that they will work with her and her limitations if and when the time comes.

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