New to Martial talk


White Belt
Hello, I am new to martial talk. I look forward to gaining some different ideas and perspectives and possibly adding some of my own here. I have one question though. I am 28 years old and have been out of martial arts for ten years, ( I used to play TKD at a high level) I want to start training again, but I don't really know where to begin. Any suggestions?
Welcome to Martial Talk! See what is avalable in your area and go visit the schools and the instructors. Find one that seems to fit best and give it a shot. Don't get sucked into long term contracts right off the bat. Good luck on your search!
Hi, KS, good to have you with us! You've gotten sound advice from everyone here. One thing you might do is decide just what it is you think you want out of MAs. Assuming you could get equally good instruction in any particular MA that you wanted, do have sense of what rings your chimes so far as style, strategy, conditioning routines or anything else is concerned? Are you interested in self-defense apps or in tournament competition, primarily.?Do you like the idea of fluid, flowing MA, a more choppy strike-delivery style like Shotokan or TKD, an art focused on locks, throws, and evasion, or...?

If you could get a fairly clear wish-list worked out along these lines, it would be easier both for you and for anyone you consulted on the question.
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

Can't really add to the advice already given - good luck!
Welcome to MT. Begining again depends on what you want to study & how you want to train. If you want to go back to TKD, you know what you're looking for. If it's something else you're interested in, seek advice here from folks into thse arts. Best of luck.
Welcome. I think any response I have on where to begin has already been covered...

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