Greetings All, looking for any inspirational tidbits that anyone has too recommend. Here’s my brief story. Years ago (over twenty) I was a serious student in a Japanese Style for over 11 years. Lately got back into taking Jui Jitsu with my daughter the last few months after she found my old belts. The gym we practice at also teaches Soo Bahk Do, so I figured I would give it a try since it’s in between our JJ days and being older I figured I could lose ten or so pounds. The Sa Bom said I could wear my old black belt but I respectfully refused since I want to respect the Korean Style and start over as a white. With that comes my ”bird in the hand” feeling. I’m a 51 yo adult having to spar and train with 9/10 year olds who “out rank” me but have the typical sloppy kid technique. I stand there knowing my white belt place is just trying to be an example to the kids in all my moves, actions and showing respect But I’m only getting the fitness aspect. I just don’t know if I can keep it up for another two years being “an example” since SBD has a time limit between testing. Has anyone else ran into this problem and if so what kept you motivated? Thank you for any and all input.