New (silly) names for Harry Potter Novels


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MT Mentor
From another forum that focuses on Books and such ( here someone came up with a thilly thread which a number participated. I'm sure we can come up with a few more of our own....
Harry Potter and the Wizard's Enlarged Prostate
Harry Potter and the Hairy Potter
Harry Potter and the Wizard's Jock Itch
Harry Potter and the Muggle's Rump
Harry Potter and the Great Taste of Diet Pepsi (Rowling sells out).
Harry Potter and the Tired Sequel
Harry Potter at the Betty Ford Clinic
Harry Potter and the Painful Hemorrhoids
Harry Potter and the Ebola Virus
Harry Potter and the Itching Rash
Harry Potter and the Supremes
Harry Potter and the Dessicated Collection of Moths
Harry Potter and the Ordinary Days of Mild Tedium
Harry Potter and the Ruptured Stones
Harry Potter Drops Out to Find Himself
Harry Potter and The Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Harry Potter's Extreme Makeover.
Harry Potter and the Half Bloody Prints.
Harry Potter and the Half Pound of Mince
Harry Potter and the Sorcerous Stoner
Harry Potter and the Chamber Pot of Secretions
This one I was inspired by Monty Python (use John Cleese's voice)
Harry Potter and the day that he caught Hermionie and Dobby upstairs in the hidden room behind the painting of the Fat Lady with no arms.

Harry Potter and the Thing Under McGonagall's skirt.
Harry Potter Meet the Beatles
Harry Potter: A Boy and His Owl
Harry Potter And the Recoinciliation of Syltherin
Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Secret
Where's Harry Potter?
Harry Potter and the Moon Landing
Harry Potter and the Meandering Narrative
Harry Potter and the Curse of Allergies
Harry Potter and the Temple of Doom
Harry Potter and Cindy Brady's Pig Tails
Harry Potter and Lenny Kravitz do MSG
Harry Potter and the Harlem Globe Trotters
Harry Potter and The Wolfman
Harry Potter and a Half Pound of Salted Pork
Harry Potter and a quarter will get you a xerox of a cup of coffee
Harry Potter and the First Shave
Harry Potter and Girls
Harry Potter vs MechaHarryPotter
Harry Potter Meets Aqualung
Harry Potter and the Dot Com Wizards
Harry Potter and the Onset of Puberty
Harry Potter and the Woody
Harry Potter and his New Best Friend
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and the Secret Bathroom
Harry Potter and the Huge Zit
Harry Potter and the Overlarge Zit
Harry Potter and the Bubotuber Curse
Harry Potter and the Vaseline Trilogy
Harry Potter and the Strange Girl

Harry Potter and the Serious Horns
Harry Potter and the Danger of Secretions
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of His Own Hand
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Ale
Harry Potter and the Order to Kill the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Gameboy
Harry Potter and the Order of I-Don't-Really-Have-To-Stay-Up-Until-Midnight-When-The-Next-Book-Comes-Out-Do-I?
Harry Potter and Larry Snotter
Hairy Pawter and thu Curs uv Slobberin' (huked on fahniks werkd four mee)
Hermione Loves Harry
Harry Potter and the Hairy Palmist
Harry Potter and the Blind Man
Harry Potter is a-Slytherin'
Harry Potter and Little Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Shotgun Wedding
Harry Potter and the Hundred-Dollar Lady
Harry Potter and the Quicky Divorce
Harry Potter and the Disappearing Money
Harry Potter and the Van Down by the River
Harry Potter and the Solitary Death
Dang girl, where did you get all those from? Made them up?
I was lucky enough to come up with five. The rest are from other folks.
My 14 year old daughter is a Harry Pooter, er I mean, Potter nut. She got a kick out of those.
Well here's another one:
Harry Potter and The Larry King Interview (Harry blows the lid off Hogwarts and the Wizarding World)
I always joke with my kids that "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was "Harry Potter and the Order of the Pizza"!
Harry Potter and the Lost Weekend
Harry Potter and the Blotter Acid
Harry Potter and the Choking Chicken
Harry Potter and the Howling Bowels
Harry Potter Meets Abbot and Costello
Harry Potter and the Overage Actors
Harry Potter Comes Out of the Magic Closet
Harry Potter and the Bedwetting Curse
Harry Potter and Five Pygmies Named Malcolm
Harry Potter Does Dallas
Harry Potter and the Secret of James Mitose
Harry Potter Gets Hammered
Harry Potter and the Mothers of Invention
Harry Potter Meets Jerry Springer
Harry Potter Fries Michael Moore
Harry Potter and the Frisky Blonde
Harry Potter Coughs Up Phlegm
Harry Potter: Secret Agent
Harry Potter Discovers Mayonnaise
Harry Potter Unplugged
Harry Potter Enters the UFC
Harry Potter Resurrects Steven Seagal's Career
Harry Potter Visits the "Ba-Da Bing!"
Harry Potter Beats a Dead Horse

Sorry if I copied someone else's. I kind of lost track after a while. :)
Aren't these two kinda the same thing? :uhyeah:
Harry Potter resurrects Steven Segals career / Harry Potter beats a dead horse.
theletch1 said:
Aren't these two kinda the same thing? :uhyeah:
Harry Potter resurrects Steven Segals career / Harry Potter beats a dead horse.

Yeah, now that you mentioned it... they are... :rofl:
MACaver said:
Dang girl, where did you get all those from? Made them up?
I was lucky enough to come up with five. The rest are from other folks.
LOL - My daughter and I sat here, read your list, then banged out the rest together...since then we've come up with TONS more!

Here's my personal contribution, special edition:

Harry Potter and the Adventures of Hairy, Long and Her Hiney (Harry, Ron and Hermione, get it?)

More to come...HEHEHEHEHEHE
Harry Potter and the PC of Microsoft

Harry Potter and the Jedi of Doom

Harry Potter and the 7 Dwarves

Harry Potter and Sherman Potter at the 4077th

Harry potter and the Pottery Barn

Harry Potter: The Next Generation

Harry Potter and the Order of Onionrings

Harry Potter and the Divorce'rers Fees

Star Wars Epodsode VII: A NEW Potter

Harry Potter Does Dallas.

Harry Potter and the Pot Leaf that Has Been Banned

Harry Potter and the Magic Johnson. (The Basketball player... Get your minds outta the gutter!)

Raiders of the Lost Harry Potter Novel

Potter of the Carribian

Hermionie goes mad nasty and kills Harry Potter with a knife and Names the Movie after herself

Harry Potter and the Potted Plant

Harry Potter and the Birdman of Alcatraz

Harry Potter and the Clinton Administration (AKA Harry does Hillary)

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