New school new style for my kids


Orange Belt
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
The last two previous schools we were at, both same style aiki-jujitsu/kempo/ Pambuan arnis. But due to there basically being no children in either of those two I am switching them out. They have learned a lot except how to have fun. And now I am faced with them stopping or moving to where children are. So I have found a Okinawan Goju school that's pretty respectable. Although they will learn jujitsu at green belt I am guessing this will pretty much be starting over for them. I told them that. They have been yellow belts for three years. So no real loss in levels. Although sometimes it sucks relearning the basics, unless you need them. Any input on what to expect? I am right it will most likely be totally new for them. I on the other hand am happy with previous style, now my schedule is a little fuller though.
Well if it's a different style the basics could be different. I'd talk to the instructor about their previous experience so the instructor will have a better understanding of what your children/his new students are capable of.
Beginner level Goju is entirely stances, blocks, kicks, and punches. I can't imagine your kids receiving much instruction in locks and throws since those are considered advanced material generally in most Goju dojos I have seen.

That can be good since your kids may be exposed to something new...But I can also see how it could be frustrating, particularly if they have trained for 3 years already. There are no other options? I fear this may be too big of a change for them and you.
You know it can be hard on a child training in a more adult like environment and yet it can also be really good for them to. I train my kid's more like adults and yes there are growing pains now and
then but they do enjoy it and will be more ready if something
were to ever happen. Still go with your gut and make the right
decision for your children based on what is available.
I myself am staying were I am at. They have tried a couple of classes of goju. They love the large dojo, and all the kids, compared to working out of a garage type atmosphere with adults. Yes I am worried they'll be dumbed down for awhile. But bascially from talking to instructor what they will need to worry about is a few stances and kata, they have everything else mostly. They have been at a kata school (pinans), Djuru with silat and now back to kata. This is they only school in the area since I already have to go across town for my own. I guess I can always cross train them on the side.