New Modern Arnis Book!

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,

I am roughly within two weeks of being finished with Mano y Mano - Weaponless Fighting Applications Of Modern Arnis.

It has around 1,200 photos in it and covers empty hand basics: strikes, blocks & kicks. I cross reference the techniques with their cane or anyo counterparts. It has a section on throwing and another on empty hand drills to aid self defense. I also include all eight empty hand anyos as well as selected applications within each anyo. I left out a detailed study of the joint locks (both empty hand and cane locks) as I quickly found that subject would take a book of its own (which I am already knee deep in research on).

I am quite proud of this book and it should fill the need for seeing the translations of cane actions to the empty hand. In it are forwards written by Roland Dantes, Bram Frank, Datu Dieter Knuettel, Jerome Barber and others are coming from Dr. Randi Shea, Datu Shishir Inocalla and Tim Kashino.

It will be available in download form first. Then it will come out in hard copy form. I'll get the data out to you in this tread when it occurs.

Dan Anderson
Hard copy update!

I am receiving the proofs on Thursdayand if all is okay, I'll get the hard copy books 10 days after.

Dan Anderson