new gun legislation in Michigan.

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Runs With Fire

Black Belt
Not that Snyder will accept them, but a slew of gun bills are coming up the Michigan legislature again. thoughts?
Here are the gun bills pending in the Michigan legislature Permitless concealed carry for 21 and over.

Concealed carry permits for 18-20

Letting foster parents own guns

Allow concealed carrying in public gun free zones ( including schools) and closing an interesting loophole allowing non permit holders to open carry in schools.

Ending pistol registration

Banning carrying in police stations

banning local gun laws

Letting people with ppo's carry in more places.

penalties for making guns accessible to minors

Exemption from needing a pistol license if you were previously licensed or a member of your household id licensed.
There are a few more still.
As this is all very alien to me, can I ask:-

Letting foster parents own guns
Why can’t foster parents own guns?

Allow concealed carrying in public gun free zones ( including schools)
So if I understand this correctly, people are allowed to conceal a gun on their person when they go into a building full of children?

Banning carrying in police stations
Because firearms in a school is ok, but carrying them into Police Station is not?
Yeah Bill? Politics or not, I believe everybody over the age of 12 should be required to carry a minimum of two handguns and a rifle. And a couple of knives.

It may not make us safer, but it will control the population, create job openings, and if not safer, at least it will keep us all fitter (considering the extra weight and all). Don't bother to answer, because I'm outta here!

As far as what will make ours a better, safer society... Honestly, I don't have a clue. Sorry. :(

Oh, I did enjoy this though:
Allow concealed carrying in public gun free zones ( including schools)
So if I understand this correctly, people are allowed to conceal a gun on their person when they go into a building full of children?

DISCLAIMER: i havnt actually read the link or the proposed laws ....
but i believe that as it stands right now a "gun free zone" is exactly that no carry at all. it is possible the intent of this law could be to allow teachers and other faculty to carry concealed. this is something i have heard being discussed. but reading the OP post it seems as if there is a permit carry and a non permit carry. this is confusing to me we dont have anything like that here in Massachusetts.

EDIT: the article says this...
"Those areas are traditionally considered gun-free zones, but a loophole in the law allows open carry there. These bills swap that -- open carry would be banned in those areas, but people could get eight extra hours of training and be allowed to concealed carry there. "

so maybe teachers were allowed to open carry and they wanted to change that to a concealed carry.

Letting foster parents own guns
Why can’t foster parents own guns?
lots of places have this regulation. i think the logic is (A) foster kids are often troubled and more likely to use it. (B) these kids are actually the responsibility of the state so for liability reasons they wont place a child in a home that has a gun.
DISCLAIMER: i havnt actually read the link or the proposed laws ....
but i believe that as it stands right now a "gun free zone" is exactly that no carry at all. it is possible the intent of this law could be to allow teachers and other faculty to carry concealed. this is something i have heard being discussed. but reading the OP post it seems as if there is a permit carry and a non permit carry. this is confusing to me we dont have anything like that here in Massachusetts.

EDIT: the article says this...
"Those areas are traditionally considered gun-free zones, but a loophole in the law allows open carry there. These bills swap that -- open carry would be banned in those areas, but people could get eight extra hours of training and be allowed to concealed carry there. "

so maybe teachers were allowed to open carry and they wanted to change that to a concealed carry.

lots of places have this regulation. i think the logic is (A) foster kids are often troubled and more likely to use it. (B) these kids are actually the responsibility of the state so for liability reasons they wont place a child in a home that has a gun.
That makes sense, especially the foster parents. Thank you.
Permitless concealed carry for 21 and over.


Concealed carry permits for 18-20


Letting foster parents own guns


Ending pistol registration


Banning carrying in police stations


banning local gun laws


Exemption from needing a pistol license if you were previously licensed or a member of your household id licensed.

To reinforce Dirty Dog -- This thread began as a purely political discussion of proposed gun laws. Political matters may not be discussed on Martial Talk; instead visit US Message Board
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