New Gasoline


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
A traveling salesman (no, not that kind of a joke) is out in the country and finds himself out of gas. He stands by his car hoping that someone will be along to give him a ride to the nearest gas station.
After an hour or so he spies a rickety old truck coming up the road. The truck slows and pulls up along side.
The grateful man hails hello to the old man inside and explains that he's out of gas and needs a ride.
The old man shakes his head and waves him off and gets out and heads to the bed of the truck. The salesman curious follows and the old man explains. "I got what you need right here".
The salesman looks and doesn't see a gas can of any type in the back and is puzzled even further.
The old man reaches in the back and pulls up a metal box and sets it on the open tailgate.
The old man then goes to the salesman's car and opens up the gas door and removes the gas cap. "Stand back, and don't move!" he warns. He then goes back to the metal box and opens it up and jumps back quickly.
A huge swarm of bees rise up out of the box and circle in tight formation above the salesman and the old man. Suddenly they funnel themselves into the open gas tank. As soon as the last bee is in the old man jumps to the car and screws on the gas cap tightly.
The salesman was stunned to silence. After a long moment the old man says warningly; "keep back and keep still like before..." and opens the gas cap again. A moment later all the bees come swarming out and circle around the two men again before going back into the metal box, which the old man shuts promptly as soon as the last bee is in.
The old man smiles and puts the gas cap back on again. He nods to the salesman... "g'wan ahead... start 'er up young feller."
The salesman stands there for a moment then shakes his head in puzzlement, shrugs and goes to his car door, opens it and gets in... puts the key in the slot and turns it... Vrrrrroom! It starts right up and the gas gauge reads nearly full.
Slowly the salesman gets out of the running vehicle and stares at the old man...who is smiling knowingly.
"It's a new kind of gas..." the old man states simply
"W-what, what kind of gas did they put in there??" stammers the salesman...

The old man smiles... "B.P."

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