New Feature: Arcade

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I just completed installing an arcade on MT.

Currently, it has only 5 games, however there are a huge number available. I'll be looking them over and trying to install a few a month.

Access to arcade restricted to Supporting Members and above.

Well, then those that are good at these games won't be talking much, will they? I will be talking. I'm terrible..... TW
Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh !!! !!! !!!

Oh Geesh ... and it shows who is champ on their ID ... Good Grief.
Okay, I will ask the obvious question. How do we access these games if we can't find the floating champion? TW
Top of the screen...look for ARCADE.

Right now, there are about 15 games in there...I'm looking for a few more before I call it a night. :)
Hey I relented, I'm the tie fighter champion. Now don't you all try to dethrone me at once. It will probably be my first and last time to be champion of anything. I only got one bad guy anyway. Good to be lst one who played it though. ;) TW
Hi, Are these games new because of the server? More bits and bites/bytes?

Gigs that is? Regards, Gary
Sort of. With the new server, we have more room, and more CPU to use, so I figured it woulld be good to add some more 'fun stuff' to the site again. :)
Well....some of us had to try to sleep. :)
(I miss my old job...I got paid to do just that. They called it network admin...but.... :D)
KenpoTess said:
how bout some tile games like Mahjong for ..we that are getting up there.. with lousy reflexes *g*

I agree, the only time I was number 1 on a game last night was when no one else had played it before me.
I'll be adding several of that type, and similar. I found this damn addicting matching game last night..just need the 30 free min to test em out and add them in. :)

Theres over 200+ games available... :D
Kaith, thanks for the games. They're fun but addicting. I was up to 2:30 last night!!! And I tried for maybe ten minutes to only think about posting before I gave in. And then by this morning, I had lost all my cheaply won Champion titles! I tried to get back the penguin bash but nada...

Everyone, some of these are neat flash change that, they are all neat but I am completely inept at some of them. Keeps you amused while you are waiting for postings... But now the scores are way to Kaith, Rob, Flatlander, Seig last I looked. I have a touch pad and boy when fingers are sticky nothing targets.

Besides, martial artists are known for not giving up, actually being obsessive, this may be bad...TW
This could be very detrimental to my word productivity. :wah:

Thanks Kaith

Scores cycle every 2 weeks (I think), so there'll be lots of chances for the I'll be adding more regularly.

My own productivitys a little behind now too....LOL! :D