New CBD article: 4 Ways to Stop an Opponent by Using a Knife

I'm curious; your listing and your illustrations are at odds.

The illustrations all show cuts in this pattern:
1. Downward diagonal left to right (inside to out)
2. Downward diagonal right to left (outside to in)
3. Upward diagonal right to left
4. upward diagonal left to right
5. Horizontal right to left
6 Horizontal left to right
7 Straight down (if included)

Your listing is:

  1. Downward angle from enemy’s inside to outside
  2. Downward angle from outside to inside
  3. Horizontal angle from inside to outside
  4. Horizontal angle from outside to inside
  5. Upward angle from inside to outside
  6. Upward angle from outside to inside
  7. Straight downward angle

I assume the cut is labeled or named from the direction of origin.
I guess I wasn't clear.

From the opponent's perspective: if he is holding a weapon in his right hand, then anything on his left of the weapon limb would be "inside" and to the right of the weapon limb would be "outside." So, from a right handed opponent's perspective, a cut starting on his left and going to his right would be going from his inside to his outside.

I'll have to think about how to better clarify that.

Peace favor your sword,
I followed that; that made sense to me.

But notice that your pattern runs diagonal down, horizontal, diagonal up. The illustrations ran diagonal down, diagonal up, horizontal.
Hmm... I believe that you're right that I boogered it up when typing.

Fixing asap.

Peace favor your sword,
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