New British Passport regulations


Senior Master
I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not, but since its on Slashdot, I'm going to assume not.

New regulations regarding the distribution requires you have to submit tax records, bank records and driving records. Are they kidding? What on earth do they want driving records for? tracking how much you go out to eat? I mean, can't you ride a bus most places these days?

I've often argued in favor of phone tapping terrorist, however, if this is the end result, I think I'll change my mind. I used to have respect for the UK... weapon regulations and this assault against privacy has started to change my mind. If you are making phone calls to a place in Afghanistan that terrorist frequent, I can understand your phone being tapped, but this??
It's not true though getting a passport is to be made harder but not that way.
In principle, and to my own surprise, I have to say that I'm not against this (it's always possible I've misunderstood what I've just skip-read of course :o).

The two most commonly forged documents in this country are drving licences and passports. This seems a relatively sensible, if inconvenient, way to approach increasing security.

Mind you, there is always the argument that the only people it really hampers, as ever, is the essentially law abiding citizenry.