New Article About One of My Students

Music is good. I find many of the best Martial Artist also excel in cooking and healing or medical knowledge, as well as art/music. When reading this forum and FMA talk, I see there are a few with a good IQ. I am sure your student will grow to be one of the few.
You've been getting alot of newspaper exposure lately, that's fantasic! Great picture too. It's a nice one to frame. :)
I see a blue belt on the man, what does he train in please? and where does that rank fit in the rank structure?

Our belt structure is the same as EPAK:
white, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, brown, black

It takes around 4 years to get to first degree black.
Blue belt is about 2 years from that point.

You've been getting alot of newspaper exposure lately, that's fantasic! Great picture too. It's a nice one to frame. :)

I get tons of newspaper coverage, but that is mostly due to me contacting the newspaper. When I give an event, I call them up to announce it. They usually cover it on top of announcing it.
I suggest my older students for "Athlete of the Week" and they do that as well. Somtimes I write articles for the papers.
Two of the reporters told me they are constantly looking for news and have trouble finding it. They told me that people like me make their job easier.
They get a story, the parents in my room get keepsakes, and I get free advertising. Everyone is happy.


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