New and Improved Taiso Video


Green Belt
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I have uploaded a new and improved taiso video, and will soon be making some training videos. Thank You. EZ

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I suppose you are correct, in that for most "traditional ryus", this Taiso would probably be more applicable, what with the emphasis on the movements being choreographed and essentially representing a dance.

Good find JadeCloud Alchemist.
I suppose you are correct, in that for most "traditional ryus", this Taiso would probably be more applicable, what with the emphasis on the movements being choreographed and essentially representing a dance.
Right, tire flipping is much more realistic. :rolleyes:
He keeps deleting comments on his "video". Seems people on Youtube also see nothing "ninjutsu" in his make believe art, and are even less nice about it than we are.
I think you may get a better response if you just called the video what it is. *YOUR WAY OF WORKING OUT*. I will say its a good workout that can definitely help with strength and conditioning, but its not Junan Taiso.
Yeah why does eerything have to be NINJA yeah looks like you are strong and in shape Gratz but its not ninjutsu.

One thing that stuck out for me when reading this was this.

When someone shows me a [new style] by someone I don’t know, my first question is, “What has the designer broken?” Anyone can design a security system that he cannot break. So when someone announces, “Here’s my security system, and I can’t break it,” your first reaction should be, “Who are you?” If he’s someone who has broken dozens of similar systems, his system is worth looking at. If he’s never broken anything, the chance is zero that it will be any good.
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A couple of questions: you state it is New and Improved. Well, OK, it's your creation (altho I know you aren't the only one working out with tires) so I guess it's new. But improved compared to what? And how do you justify the claim that it is improved?

Seems like most of the images in your video have your face either clouded or turned away. Were you deliberately trying to hide your identity? If so, why?

You have a statement at the end flash across the screen, something like "no technique can make up for a lack of physical preparation", superimposed across an image of a (your?) muscular torso (face is missing, again). The message that I get from that is that you feel physical strength is more important that proper technique. Is that your position? Do you feel that physical strength is a good solution for a lack of good technique and a lack of proper methodology and understanding? Do you feel that you can sort of "bull" your way thru a confrontation, and simply rely upon your strength to carry you thru and win the day?

If you ever get attacked by a stack of tires, I am sure you will be alright. As far as new and improved, we(personal trainers) have been using tires for conditioning for years, it is nothing new.

I understand that you are pumped up about "creating" your own style, but why did you have to call it ninjutsu? I just do not understand why everyone has to watch Naruto and then want to become a ninja or create a ninja style. Being in good condition does not a ninja make.
Hey, folks...

Let's try to remember that MartialTalk is the home of friendly discussion about the martial arts. There are plenty of other forums that ain't so friendly... Discuss the topics, and stay polite, huh?
Hey, folks...

Let's try to remember that MartialTalk is the home of friendly discussion about the martial arts. There are plenty of other forums that ain't so friendly... Discuss the topics, and stay polite, huh?

I am not trying to be rude. I just wanted to know why call it ninjitsu.

ex., I train in karate and TKD. If I decide to create a new style, I will call it ____________ karate, not jujitsu, ninjitsu, or ??????

I am just trying to find out the fascination with calling something ninjitsu.
Because he read some books as a kid and thinks he knows what ninja are, and that he understands it better than someone like Hatsumi.

Even his tire flipping trick is stolen from someone else. Didn't those guys working out for 300 do that sort of thing?
I have uploaded a new and improved taiso video, and will soon be making some training videos. Thank You. EZ

Can't say for sure, since you posted still shots, but it looks like your tire form is weak, and dangerous-especially the pulling.

"Pulling it????!!!!!" :lfao:

Anyway, you'll probably be living at the chiropractor's in another five years or so..... for what it's worth, though, your physique indicates that you're probably in better condition than a lot of the Bujinkan people I've met.....which is, of course, almost meaningless....:lol:
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Because he read some books as a kid and thinks he knows what ninja are, and that he understands it better than someone like Hatsumi.

Even his tire flipping trick is stolen from someone else. Didn't those guys working out for 300 do that sort of thing?
Steve Maxwell's 300 workout

Another 300 workout

My usual however is the one from Meet the Spartans, and involves an airbrush to add abs. :lol:
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I really think that everyone here is being too hard on the lad. After all, isn't it every mans right to place his mark upon the world? Why just yesterday I myself made yet another mark upon this world, as I made a yellow "X" in the snow. Lon lasting it is not, but a mark made, none the less.

I would like to offer my hearty confibularities to his most excellent piece of mulberry. His hard work and keen foresight, show a mind open to the dramatic pause of boolean. His insightful redeployment of technique and acquisition and repositioning of words and phrases not normally part of his mother tongue, indicates an above subnormal grasp of the intricacies of gastric bypass surgery.

In short, you maverick of bipolarity, I bare my bottom at you and give you a true 21 cannon salute!


Now, before anyone claims I have been anything but polite, respectful and above all friendly, let me assure the reader that all of these terms are meant in a positive light, as they mean what I believe them to mean, and not, what Mr. Webster wants you to think. We are after all, redefining things here, are we not?

I bid you, a noisy gastric experience.

I can't argue with that.

Bottom line is, the OP can do what he wants, call it what he will. Ninja isn't a registered trademark in this sense, so there's nothing you can do.

But, just as a drink being brown, carbonated, has sugar and cola extraasct in it, doesn't make it a Coke, neither does taking a few ideas, some terms, an art make it.
My 2 cents.

Personally, I'd rather see the OP post more in depth on his work outs, than his art. It'd be less grief for him, and based on the still shots, something he'll see a more positive response from, given his physique.
I really just don't see the point. Emilio, your fitness is something to be praised, but I don't agree with anything you have said or with what you are trying to do.

I would however like to see some of your combat training methods. I hope those can be uploaded soon.