New $.05 for 2004



I heard the Jefferson Nickel is going to be redesigned for 2004. Jefferson isstill on it, but the Monticello building is being replaced with something to do with the Louisiana Purchase and Louis and Clark???

In 2006, it gets changed yet again.
Oops..."Lewis" and Clark.

(It least I didn't put Lewisiana) :p
News to me! What, have people been passing too many counterfeit nickels?

On The Tonight Show Jay Leno mentioned a story about someone successfully passing a forged $4 bill (!).
That's pretty sad (about the $4 bill!!). Will be interesting to see what this new nickel looks like- I wonder why they decided that now is the time to start changing the looks of our money??

:asian: :karate:
Originally posted by Shodan
That's pretty sad (about the $4 bill!!). Will be interesting to see what this new nickel looks like- I wonder why they decided that now is the time to start changing the looks of our money??

:asian: :karate:

Mebbe the Al Queda has plans to disrupt our monetary system with coinage and bills with Osama's and Saddam's images on them hoping to disrupt us that way???
I dunno..maybe it's a tribute to the French *cough*