Never Surrender Scroll

it got corrected to "bekarazu"!

Sounds like there is a story here. Can you please tell me more? I do speak some Japanese, but I am nowhere near fluent.
I do not know what you are referring to. Perhaps you think my Japanese is not good enough. Meitetsu pointed out an error that I had misread the Bekarazu as Nanikarazu. My wife was in Japan visiting her parents at the time and did not correct my reading. Besides, when was the last time you typed in beku (This is the verb form as in one should do something). I will do it for you. 読むべく as in you should read this. In the IMS system no matter how many times you select for different options the Beku never shows up as the reading with this character. =Archaic Japanese which I can make a small mistake on. What is the common reading for this character (Ka). But if you want to knock yourself out you can translate this short e-mail that I have to do to communicate on a weekly basis.
Not wanting to sound rude, but you both sound overly judgemental and you should look at the total body of work of 200+ scrolls I have made for customers worldwide…
Hey Kakejiku, not to worry, there is zero judgement on my part. Your scrolls are gorgeous! I would love to have one in my home.

I'm just trying to figure out the flow of conversation here. I see a scroll that says "Kuppuku Suru Bekarazu, and then I see a comment that says "it got corrected to bekarazu".

To the rest of us reading here on MT, we had no idea that there is a history between you and Meitetsu, or that there were conversations that took place, or actions that took place. Thanks for clarifying the back story and good luck with your work.
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I do not have a history with Meitetsu. When he pointed out my error I looked on a different online dictionary and confirmed Meitetsu was correct and fixed my error....Wish I was perfect, but am definitely not, and get to learn new things everyday.
Yeah I'm with Carol. I thought you guys knew each other and had some kind of story to go along with the wording of the scroll or why it was going to Canada. I have no idea what the scroll says or what you thought I meant by coming off as "judgmental". Basically I have no idea what is going on and why you responded as if I offended you.
er...sorry hope I didnt offend anyone! I just happened to notice that error when I looked at the blog pic. Cool scroll. The Kanji that looks like 何 nani or "what" is actually 可 which is usually in words like 可能性kanosei "possibility" and so forth. It is also used in the suffix like thing beku "you should" or bekarazu "you shouldnt." I made the EXACT same mistake a couple of years ago only i was reading a passage out loud in front of some people.

A little background on the history is necessary. My wife and her little brother, Kouji, went to practice at their calligraphy Sensei’s house every Sunday for four hours. By the time he graduated high school Kouji became a very good calligrapher, and obtained his rank of 師範Shihan in the Shunjuu Shodokai calligraphy Society based in Yokohama, Japan. Unfortunately, he felt that he was forced to go on with his calligraphy and as a result he tore up all his works and his certificate and turned away from calligraphy. On my wife’s return to her parents in Japan this summer, she found these two works of his that were not destroyed. She brought them home secretly so that I can make them into a scroll as a gift to him. As it is a secret gift, I can not ask him directly what the characters are…and because it is written in Gyousou, some of the characters are illegible. So some of my guesses at some of the characters are below.
洊 Sen (Free Flowing)
雲 Kumo Cloud
Unsure 遊?
馬 Uma Horse
龍 Ryuu Dragon
I am glad to hear though that he has participated in the Calligraphy club sponsored by the architectural firm he works for. It would be sad to see such talent wasted.
Quite a dramatic story considering the world of calligraphy seems all calm and introspective.
The one on the left looks like
游雲驚龍 Yu un kyou ru
Which is "Flowing clouds and surprised dragon" and implies "behaving with abandon,freewheeling"
The one on the right is still a mystery to me, let us know if you come across whats written!
