Netbus Trojan

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shaddykat
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Hi everyone!!!
As I was reading the threads today, my Norton antivirus stoped a Trojan from getting on my computer. I dont know alot about trojan horses, but I thought the only way they get on your computer is by downloading them with other files. So the question I have is, how was it trying to get on my computer? This is the information I got with Norton Remote address is Netbus (12345) I got another address (local) but I think that one is mine. Any feedback on this would be great. Thanks
Hmm. doesn't necessarily mean you have NetBus on your machine, but it sounds like someone was trying to access that port. If you're concerned about having NetBus installed, you can check this link to Symantec, which has the warning signs of the application and removal instructions. Also make a note of the source IP address and if it becomes a common thing, notify your internet provider.

Hope this helps!
Thanks OUMouse

I checked out the web page, and did a virus scan. Nothing was found.
But I do have another question, If someone was trying to access that port, was it someone though this web site? As this is were it was poped up. Thanks again.
I would say that's doubtful. No one here can see your IP except the mods. Plus, someone would have to be actively looking, as that's not something you might trigger by accident, so they know what to look for.

Are you on Broadband or Dialup? Just curious as to me it sounds like someone was portscanning the local networks to try and get lucky. If nothing turned up for that port (go to a command line, do a "netstat -a", and see if there's an active connection on port 12345), I would chalk it up as an annoyance. if it persists, however, remember to inform your ISP, so they can investigate.
OUMoose, I have cable, so I am online all the time. Thanks for the help. Good thing Norton is working. An annoyance is what I am going to chalk it up to. Thanks again.
Get a firewall. I use Zonealarm. It's free, works great and blocks a ton o crap. :)