Need ideas for a book.


Senior Master
First of all, letme just say that 1, I'm weird and have too much free time on my hands; 2, read to many comics/watch too many movies.

With that said, I need ideas for a book I'm writing (well, conceptualizeing is more like it). I should probably give you what I have plot-wise.

-The main focus of the story is a class war (for those of who don't know what that is, wikipedia has an article under Class Struggle). This is also boarding on a race war, but not really. Anyways;
- This story takes place in the Omaha area (which I live in);
- The back story (explained through flash backs) is that the Academic Decalathon team at Omaha South (the poorest school with the highest percent of immigrants and minorities) has gone from being a border-line crappy team, to going to nationals;
- Something happens the next year, and the football team goes to state. And there is a slow upward trend in the schools perfromance for the next 6 years of the teams and tests scores getting better and better, until they begin to rival Burke (the rich, almost all white school);
- The retired captain of the successful Aca Deca team dies, and there is a reunion at his funeral. A bunch of people (dressed like the klan) burn him in ephigy across the street during the funeral. The team is outraged;
- The team decides that they want revenge. They settle down, and decide to try to fix the problem, which they see has the huge gap between rich and poor;
- Step one, fix the two majors problems they see as contributing to the boarder (education and health care). Step one fails after a year (meaning they give up), no support in the Nebraska's Unicameral;
- Step two, start a political party, and work to stack the Unicameral with politicians who agree with there views. Step two fails after 2 years (again, they give up), no one will vote for them;
- Step three, give up all together. There is nothing left to do;
- The Assissent Coach also dies, same result;
- The group realizes that 5 Fortune 500 Companies are based in Omaha, and that if they could get there Presidents/VP's to try to help, somthing might get done. They don't get an audience, and decide they will force them into it;
- They kidnap the Presidents/VP's (one at a time), and take them on a "tour of the richest houses in the land", finally returning them all safe and sound to there home, with a letter;
- The letter explains why they did what they did, and leaves the individual with a challenge. It challenges the person to try to live on minume wage, with no hope of going higher on the socio-economic ladder;
- This has mixed results. Some of the individuals try to help, others freak and call the cops constantly. The ones who freak find themselves being robbed and car jacked ("but why? only the poor are robbed!"), and there stuff sold (the cash goes to helping the poorest in the city);
- When all else fails, they decide to John Brown things. There motto becomes "I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical" a quote from Thomas Jefferson;
- Now they're working on a national level. They manage to get a few possible ammendments into the Congressional review thingy (I forgot how that process worked);
- One of the groups members gets a gun, and storms in while this process is going on. He gives them simple instructions, pass the ammendemnts he tells them to, or he will kill all of them. One of them laughs, and tries to leave, he drops;
- The bills are passed, the gunman is arrested and executed. Congress appeals to the Supreme Court (the ammendments were passed under duress, therefore they are unconstitutional). The Supreme Court agrees under that condition, and the ammendments are scratched.
- The poor, minorites, and immigrants (who are protected by these laws) are outraged. There is an almost universal strike, and threats of anything from violence to mass immigration out of the U.S, and Congress re-passes the bills.

Questions, comments, concerns (not so much concerns), any ideas for things I should look into for thoughts (John Brown, Robin Hood, Zoro, and V for Vendetta are what I have so far), and so on would be appreciated.

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