Need help with sparring equipment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aleem
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I've been doing wingtsun for about 6 months. Me and a friend have been thinking for a while now, of doing some light/med sparring... I was wondering if anyone could give advice on whether something like this helmet would be a good choice or not.

Its just that at the moment, when practicing partner drills + techniques we have to go quite slow because a mistake and a missed paksau could result in a very painful/bloody nose.

Oh and also, thinking of buying a vest (one of them tkd types)... anyone got any advice?

Thanks a lot,

sparring isn't the most important thing in your training at the moment but if its what you want to do then do it right. We use helmets similar to that and some padded gloves and some body armour. We also use cricket pads with extra padding for leg work, theres no protection for the knock your ego may take when you don't fair as well as you first thought you would except for understanding between you and your partner, its still training and try not to be disheartened by any wake up calls you recieve. Keep it light and relaxed, relaxtion is the key throughout your training so hopefully sparring won't tense you up and done right it won't. Have fun.
How does one go about freesparring in wing chun? Do you start at long range or close quarters? I've heard about people breaking out of chi sao into sparring, although I think that defeats the purpose of the drill to some extent. How similar would it be to boxing? kickboxing? point karate? Any information you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated.
Your not really going to respect facial hits with a face guard, but if your going to start sparring "all out" this early you may want to have it. Start light, start slow. Just remember, the more body "Armor" you wear the less feel and respect you will have for each hit or kick. Thats one of the reasons to start slow.

achilles said:
How does one go about freesparring in wing chun? Do you start at long range or close quarters? I've heard about people breaking out of chi sao into sparring, although I think that defeats the purpose of the drill to some extent. How similar would it be to boxing? kickboxing? point karate? Any information you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated.
Different ranges, whatever really, its up to the people involved, i mean its generally to get used to more realistic scenarios. Fights often start out of contact, as soon as contact is made you can utilise chi sau training. That doesn't mean start rolling but using the contact sensitivity you have trained up. It is fairly disimilar from the disciplines you have mentioned and bears most resembalance to wing chun oddly enough - it is a complete system and not just chi sau although it is a large part of the training. Although once up close and personal wing chun is relentless and its where wing chun works so the sparring tends to get close too.

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