Need glove advice


Black Belt
My sparring gloves are in pretty bad condition and won't last much longer, so I'm in the market for a new pair. My old pair is a synthtic leather foam-filled Daedo, a pair I was very pleased with. I couldn't find them around here, so I searched online.

I found Daedo's homepage ( and found the same kind I have. They were referred to as beginner's gloves, so I'm wondering what makes them so. Besides durability, why is leather preferable? And when is one considered a professional, in the sense that he's better off investing in leather gloves?

The gloves can be viewed here:
The "full contact gloves amateur style" are the ones I have, and the leather ones I was looking at are the "super professional gloves".
Another question: what is your experience with Daedo gear? and what's up with their website?

Sorry for the disjointed post, I'm at work. ;-)
I just orderd a pair of gloves (MMA safety traing gloves #TG4) from but they are backorderd till March 15th. I perfer an open palm glove over a traditional boxing glove but they do carry both.

Good luck in your search.
Not sure about the website, but that is never a good sign...

Anyways, real leather lasts longer and doesn't seem to get as stinky. When is it time to move away from "beginner" gear? As soon as you are pretty sure you'll be there a while.

Don't worry about the "professional" naming, it's just marketing speak.
I'm not sure what's available for you in Israel. But I like Ringside for a good solid glove. I'm not sure if they ship outside the US & Canada, however. Lonsdale gloves from England are top notch. Maybe that's an option for you. Sorry that I couldn't help more.

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