Need fellow Taekwondo artist tips for taking a test


White Belt
Good Morning Everyone,

I am in Taekwondo Chung Do Kwon and I am testing for my brown stripe tonight. I get so nervous about testing. I do practice technique and forms at home and train on days I am not at the dojo. I run at the track, I run stairs, pilates etc. And I still seem to run out of breathe during test night spar after spar really wears me out. I hate getting out of breathe. I am an older student I am 41 woman. Is it my age? I feel I can work out better than most 20 year olds I know. Does anyone have any tips or workouts I can start doing? Any help/advice would be getting appreciated. thanks!
Hi tkdgirl,

There's another thread on this topic with lots of helpful advice. My post in particular in that topic is here. The advice sounds definitely valid to your situation. Breathing is VERY important and during a test it's even less likely you'll be focussed on breathing as you're likely to be going through a lot more mental processing of what you're doing, demonstrating your techniques well and, dare I say it, mentally replaying any mistakes you made earlier in the test or things you feel you could have done better.

The nerves won't help with your breathing, so as a general tip - just remember most instructors won't let you test if you aren't ready. Give it your best go and you'll be fine. If there are others of the same grade (within the club as a whole, not just your rank) not testing then this is a good sign that it's not a "test everyone, pass those good enough" scenario.

Good luck for your test, post back and let us know how it goes!
Good Morning Everyone,

I am in Taekwondo Chung Do Kwon and I am testing for my brown stripe tonight. I get so nervous about testing. I do practice technique and forms at home and train on days I am not at the dojo. I run at the track, I run stairs, pilates etc. And I still seem to run out of breathe during test night spar after spar really wears me out. I hate getting out of breathe. I am an older student I am 41 woman. Is it my age? I feel I can work out better than most 20 year olds I know. Does anyone have any tips or workouts I can start doing? Any help/advice would be getting appreciated. thanks!

More important than awesome cardio, in my opinion from a coaching perspective, is being able to work while tired. If you get used to the exertion and used to being totally gassed, you will figure out that you can function quite well when tired. Mental strength is a thousand times as important as physical conditioning.

That said.

I would suggest circuits. Here's an example. 30 seconds per exercise, 30 seconds rest. Take a minute between and do as many as you want. My athletes do two (juniors) and I do five.

Push ups
Sit Ups
Over Unders (Jump over and crawl under your partner) Replace this with burpees if you train alone.
Air Squats
Leg Raises
Squat Jumps (Down into a squat, explode up, and sink back down when you land.)
Shuffle (Something to jump over and just move your feet over it. Keep the stance, move both feet at once.)

This is a basic example. Do something similar to this with whatever exercises you like if you don't like mine. Try and keep the motions similar to that though. More important than the cardio, watch your breathing and get into a rhythm. This will help you keep your head in it and work.

When you go running, do this as well.

30s as fast as you can go, then 60s at a jog. Do this five times. The next week, add an extra rep.

If you're open to the idea that powerlifting movements can help you out, try googling either Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength 3x5. If you don't want to lift, don't, but it will help you I promise. I can't convince my mom to lift either and she's around your age, red stripe (similar rank to you according to your other thread)
I used to have the same problem then my training partner pointed out that I'm way too tense when sparring. I just needed to relax and not keep my muscles all tensed up. Also, breathe. I tend to subconsciously hold my breath doing forms and techniques. Once I started breathing my stamina levels went way up. Hope this helps, worked for me.
Thanks Andy! I did go to the other post and it was helpful. It is the way I breathe. I have been practicing my breathing techniques while I run. I do tend to "overthink" while testing due to nerves and I know it sounds crazy but I forget to breathe.
More important than awesome cardio, in my opinion from a coaching perspective, is being able to work while tired. If you get used to the exertion and used to being totally gassed, you will figure out that you can function quite well when tired. Mental strength is a thousand times as important as physical conditioning.

That said.

I would suggest circuits. Here's an example. 30 seconds per exercise, 30 seconds rest. Take a minute between and do as many as you want. My athletes do two (juniors) and I do five.

Push ups
Sit Ups
Over Unders (Jump over and crawl under your partner) Replace this with burpees if you train alone.
Air Squats
Leg Raises
Squat Jumps (Down into a squat, explode up, and sink back down when you land.)
Shuffle (Something to jump over and just move your feet over it. Keep the stance, move both feet at once.)

This is a basic example. Do something similar to this with whatever exercises you like if you don't like mine. Try and keep the motions similar to that though. More important than the cardio, watch your breathing and get into a rhythm. This will help you keep your head in it and work.

When you go running, do this as well.

30s as fast as you can go, then 60s at a jog. Do this five times. The next week, add an extra rep.

If you're open to the idea that powerlifting movements can help you out, try googling either Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength 3x5. If you don't want to lift, don't, but it will help you I promise. I can't convince my mom to lift either and she's around your age, red stripe (similar rank to you according to your other thread)

Thanks I will definity try some of those workouts. I don't mind lifting weights. I will have to google what mentioned. And I will definity let you know how I do on my test tonight. Too bad your mom doesn't live near me. I would love to meet her.
Thanks Andy! I did go to the other post and it was helpful. It is the way I breathe. I have been practicing my breathing techniques while I run. I do tend to "overthink" while testing due to nerves and I know it sounds crazy but I forget to breathe.

It doesn't sound crazy at all, it's perfectly normal - a lot of people do it. Even worse a lot of people do it but aren't aware of it, hence why I posted it.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine.
I agree with Andy here. I would add it sounds odd to say but during sparring, you need to learn to relax. Part of my GM's definition of a test is "under stressful conditions." I had an adult student in his late forties who was very bright & has accomplished a lot in his field, but all I had to was say the word "test" & he would start to sweat.

Relax, breathe & do your best. You're going to do well!

Who do you train under? What school &/or organization?
I agree with Andy here. I would add it sounds odd to say but during sparring, you need to learn to relax. Part of my GM's definition of a test is "under stressful conditions." I had an adult student in his late forties who was very bright & has accomplished a lot in his field, but all I had to was say the word "test" & he would start to sweat.

Relax, breathe & do your best. You're going to do well!

Who do you train under? What school &/or organization?

Thanks! I am glad to know it is not just me. I guess I feel I have alot to prove since I am only female in the adult class.That is part of why I let the nerves get to me. I train under Chuck Timmons in Mesquite,Tx at Northridge Martial Arts.
It doesn't sound crazy at all, it's perfectly normal - a lot of people do it. Even worse a lot of people do it but aren't aware of it, hence why I posted it.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine.

I was watching a woman taking her horse around a show jumping course in a competition a while ago, she almost came off her horse on the flat as she became faint through lack of breathing! She was concentrating so hard on the course and getting the best line to jump etc she'd taken a deep breath at the start and actually forgot to breath again, I've seen people do it in sparring as well as doing it myself with my instructor shouting 'breath!' at me several times.
If you watch boxers on pads and bags they make a noise, it makes sure they are breathing!
I was watching a woman taking her horse around a show jumping course in a competition a while ago, she almost came off her horse on the flat as she became faint through lack of breathing! She was concentrating so hard on the course and getting the best line to jump etc she'd taken a deep breath at the start and actually forgot to breath again, I've seen people do it in sparring as well as doing it myself with my instructor shouting 'breath!' at me several times.
If you watch boxers on pads and bags they make a noise, it makes sure they are breathing!

Thanks tonight I plan to relax and breathe and just enjoy it. "Just breathe" will be my new motto. I cannot tell you guys how much I appreciate all the support and advice. All I love the quote you have attached in the blue. I copied and printed I am going to hang that up in my office.
Besides all the other good advice given I would suggest 15 minutes a day of serious breathing exercises
google Chi Gong breathing I strongly recomend that to increase your lung capacity also don't just run or jog sprint a 100 yds then walk 100 yd alternating concentrate on regaining your breath and slowing heart rate. Also in using your body when using the arms upper body the legs should be relaxed when using the legs the upper body should be relaxed this conserves energy. I wonder how your stress level relates unessassry muscle tightness.

If you have a good Master you should aready have passed when invited to test. Testing should be a time for you to have fun and show what you can do but it is also for your Master to watch how you react under deress. For God sake everyone especially black belts stop fixing your uniform and hair every time you move its like full body turrets sysdrome. You should be able to block everything distractions what ever out and focus being mindful only on what your doing and there are no mistakes don't self grade yourself or show any emotion negative it is what it is. Your belt means nothing its being happy healthy and most of all being able to defend your self and others.

Last I cannot recomend enough no caffine of any kind and drink good Gensing Tea 2-3 times a day good for your gastroinstestinal and cardio vascular system I took a full minute off my mile time. Sounds like you train alot but I wonder how much you relax?

Good Luck
If you want to work on oxygen consumption by the body as well as endurance, HIIT is one of my favorite tools. Quick workouts, noticeably more effective than sustained speed cardio AND it melts the fat right off your body. If you want more details on HIIT, google has many articles on it (how to do it, results, etc.). Breathing exercises as mentioned above can also help! Good luck on the exam!
Thanks I will definity try some of those workouts. I don't mind lifting weights. I will have to google what mentioned. And I will definity let you know how I do on my test tonight. Too bad your mom doesn't live near me. I would love to meet her.

Nah, east coast of Canada.

Good luck, hope you ace your test, let us know.
Well everyone I went to my dojo ready for my test. I watched my 16 yr old daughter test for her brown stripe and my 10 year old daughtier test for her 4th degree brown belt. They both passed btw! As I watched I just practiced breathing. After there test was over I went to go stretch. And then they told me that my adult class was not going to test. I was very confused and said I test the same night my girls do. I did last time. Apparently bc the owners wife has been out taking care of a sick relative,there was confusion on whether or not I waited long enough between tests. I really think the reason was bc the brown belt in my adult class announced very loudly when he walked into the dojo that he was not ready to test. Idk I do not want to speak ill of anyone or my dojo. But I knew my forms and have been training. And I was looking forward to practicing my breathing techniques.I felt a big let down. I am suppose to find out tomorrow when I test.
Besides all the other good advice given I would suggest 15 minutes a day of serious breathing exercises
google Chi Gong breathing I strongly recomend that to increase your lung capacity also don't just run or jog sprint a 100 yds then walk 100 yd alternating concentrate on regaining your breath and slowing heart rate. Also in using your body when using the arms upper body the legs should be relaxed when using the legs the upper body should be relaxed this conserves energy. I wonder how your stress level relates unessassry muscle tightness.

If you have a good Master you should aready have passed when invited to test. Testing should be a time for you to have fun and show what you can do but it is also for your Master to watch how you react under deress. For God sake everyone especially black belts stop fixing your uniform and hair every time you move its like full body turrets sysdrome. You should be able to block everything distractions what ever out and focus being mindful only on what your doing and there are no mistakes don't self grade yourself or show any emotion negative it is what it is. Your belt means nothing its being happy healthy and most of all being able to defend your self and others.

Last I cannot recomend enough no caffine of any kind and drink good Gensing Tea 2-3 times a day good for your gastroinstestinal and cardio vascular system I took a full minute off my mile time. Sounds like you train alot but I wonder how much you relax?

Good Luck

Thanks I actually do not drink caffenine or alchohol. I only drink water and milk. I will try that Gensing Tea though. I really don't relax that much I work full time, taking 2 classes this semester I graduate this May with my associates and been hitting books hard so I can go to UNT this Fall. I do not believe in fast food so I cook every night. We are at the dojo 4 nights a week. Some nights when I get home I hit the track. etc Sometimes I am up till 2 in the morning doing homework. Now that I actually see all that in writing your right I do need to relax.
Well everyone I went to my dojo ready for my test. I watched my 16 yr old daughter test for her brown stripe and my 10 year old daughtier test for her 4th degree brown belt. They both passed btw![/QUOTE

Congrats for them!

As I watched I just practiced breathing. After there test was over I went to go stretch. And then they told me that my adult class was not going to test. I was very confused and said I test the same night my girls do. I did last time. Apparently bc the owners wife has been out taking care of a sick relative,there was confusion on whether or not I waited long enough between tests. I really think the reason was bc the brown belt in my adult class announced very loudly when he walked into the dojo that he was not ready to test. Idk I do not want to speak ill of anyone or my dojo. But I knew my forms and have been training. And I was looking forward to practicing my breathing techniques.I felt a big let down. I am suppose to find out tomorrow when I test.

Oh well, it gives you a chance to focus on your breathing in class while sparring etc before testing :-)

I'm sure it won't be long so don't worry about (your in Taekwondo for a lifetime, so what's a few weeks here and there).

Chin up :-)
Well everyone I went to my dojo ready for my test. I watched my 16 yr old daughter test for her brown stripe and my 10 year old daughtier test for her 4th degree brown belt. They both passed btw![/QUOTE

Congrats for them!

Oh well, it gives you a chance to focus on your breathing in class while sparring etc before testing :-)

I'm sure it won't be long so don't worry about (your in Taekwondo for a lifetime, so what's a few weeks here and there).

Chin up :-)
Thanks your right. I have decided to relax more in my day to day life. And practice breathing techniques. And yes it is a lifetime and a way of life. And I am enjoying the journey. ( but still a little bummed I couldn't test lol I will get over it)

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