Near death experiances


Master of Blades

Has anyone here had a near death experiance, not only in your MA but just through illness etc.

I guess I have had two......My Peritinitis was pretty bad....My Apendix exploded in my stomach and caused an infection. They claimed I would have died had we left it for another two days. And I think that if I hadnt got up straight away and moved out of the middle of the road when I got hit by the car it could have been a lot worse.

Well those are mine......What bout you guys? :asian:
Anyone on the wrong end of my reverse punch has a near death experience, whether they know it or not... :D

Just kidding!

I have experienced arterial spray, though... Cool to watch, sucks to have.

Yes I have...
Too personal to discuss in this forum, though.

I once treated a suicidal junkie (at an ER) who had a razorblace. He cut at the elbow and the blood hit the walls, the ceiling, and me. Got in my mouth. I applied a tournquet & called for help- he lived. Then I got tested for every disease I could think of...

About two years later I was working a detox and he showed up. I smacked him across the head. He did apologise "for all the blood". :rolleyes:

As for the light- no. Have been in dangeous situations but never close to death. *Knocking on wood*
I'd hate to see this thread fade away because the question asked is truly AWESOME...

If no one has had a near death experience, has anyone read the book by Raymond Moody called "Life after Life?"

I lost my youngest brother to stupidity...
I lost a dear friend to stupidity...
My father died much younger than he should have...Cancer
My son was diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2000...
He still lives, in remission, but is an inspiration for me...a brave young man...
My Grandmother died three weeks ago at the age of 100...
They found her kneeling at the bed-side with her hands clasped (as if in prayer)...

I have met a number of people who have had true near death experiences...their stories are really inspiring...

Why does someone enter into the discipline of martial arts?
Desire to be a badass?
Or is there something else that drives us?

Just curious...

Originally posted by chufeng
I'd hate to see this thread fade away because the question asked is truly AWESOME...

If no one has had a near death experience, has anyone read the book by Raymond Moody called "Life after Life?"

I lost my youngest brother to stupidity...
I lost a dear friend to stupidity...
My father died much younger than he should have...Cancer
My son was diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2000...
He still lives, in remission, but is an inspiration for me...a brave young man...
My Grandmother died three weeks ago at the age of 100...
They found her kneeling at the bed-side with her hands clasped (as if in prayer)...

I have met a number of people who have had true near death experiences...their stories are really inspiring...

Why does someone enter into the discipline of martial arts?
Desire to be a badass?
Or is there something else that drives us?

Just curious...


My mother is 78 years old and in the last 2 years shes been hospitalized twice seriously for about a week each. So these 2 times I stayed at the hospital with her. I can't leave her alone when shes like that. I want her to know that someone is there with her every step of the way. The first time was really bad, she was given her last rights. Prayer works!

On the day that she was released we looked out the window at the same time and we both saw a white dove flying away. It gave me the chills and still does when I think of it.
When I was diagnosed with diabetes at the ripe old age of 25, I was referred to a specialist, and he told quite firmly that I had left it so long that if I didn't seek treatment I would be dead within 2 weeks. I wasn't really in a bad way unless you consider that in just three weeks, I went from 154 pounds to about 84 pounds. I looked like death warmed up.....
Today the only thing I dislike more than the needles, is doctors. It wouldn't be so bad if everything that they suggest wasn't a guess!


I guess I almost fell of a couple cliff faces or relativly long drops (when I was younger I tended to loose my footing alot) and I was in a fairly bad car accident caused by black ice, the car slid to the side and flipped landing on it's passenger side (where I was sitting and slid into a ditch, but if my head was a little forward or to the side the impact probably would have killed me.

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, I kinda think of them as close calls rather than near death.
On two occassions I've experienced things that have left me wondering?

In the early 1980's I contracted Legionaires disease from showers in the hostel I was living in whilst training in France.
I believe I did 'leave' my body whilst in isoliation in hospital.
I could see myself lying in the bed and was aware of other activity going on around me in the room.

A few years later I recieved a couple of very heavy kicks to the stomach during squad training and almost died as I was [unknowingly] suffering from internal bleeding. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital I clearly remember the paramedic telling the driver to hurry up as he was "loosing this one"

I felt only a peacful kind of calmness and no pain at all. I slipped into unconciousness and woke the next day having had some serious surgery.

I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for. I've often wondered if what happen was 'real' or just an effect of drugs or the body trying to cope with what was happening?

Interesting though!

hummm first one... i was in a car wreck my senior year in high school wasnt a bad wreck but i shot across 4 lanes of traffic in the middle of rush hour... and some how i missed every single car on the road and took out some signs across the street it was pretty wild... the second one was a little more scary... i was teaching some kids at a satilite school and we were doing diving forward rolls, well at the time i was learning to do a front somersault, and while they did the diving rolls i was practicing that... needless to say i learned to go with my gut feelings on when im too tired to do something... i ended up in mid air and all i just felt OH ****!!!! i knew i was screwed ended up getting over enough not to snap my neck and ended up having a compression fraction of the 1st lumbar vertibrae... that was scary espceially when i couldnt get up after it... lol luckly im all right now lol
Near death experiences have been researched to a considerable degree,can be researched more though.
That,when it comes to "spiritual" issues,I do not see anything special in that.

Well,I have had a bad asthma attack,fortunately I was hospitalized "in time".
I think the near death experience the original poster is referring to is a phenomenon of actually leaving the body and entering the light...
As alluded to, much has been written about it...

I have known a few people who have had this experience. It's inspiring. And there is a wealth of information on it out there.
I'm moved by Chufeng's post-

I have had may deaths in my life and found them less than inspiring. Most from alcohol/drug addiction, some from driving UI, a couple from suicide, and the last couple from heart conditions. My father, all my grandparents (five, due to my grandmother marrying twice), uncles, several cousins, several friends. None have gone easily or with any kind of grace. As a nurse, I have been at many deathbeds (dozens, at least). I tend not to believe in a god or afterlife, and haven't seen anything to make me change my mind.

That said, I would never want to discount anyone else's experience as invalid. I try to be sure all my patients have any religious support they want, and I sit and talk with them and ask if there is any unfinished business that weighs on them. Often there is & I or the family can do something to help "settle" things.

My 2 cents, submitted with all due respect.
You have not lived, until you have experienced living with the certain knowledge that you are going to die in the next few weeks!

It is so surreal to live, knowing that you are going to die in the near future! Do you know what it likes to give up hope and yet still go on fighting? Do you know what it likes to feel when what happens next month or next year will never concern you? ;)

I have to laugh when I hear about people's little petty problems in life. Those are non-issues!
That reminds me of one of my favorite Japanese sayings (which actually was used in an old James Bond movie)...

"You only live twice; once when you are born, and once when you look death in the face."

As a nurse, I've experienced many deathbed moments, too.
But my own personal near-death experience (not someone close to me) convinced me that there is something beyond this existence...

I don't hope to convert you...
I'm not an evangelist (in fact I despise them)...and I am skeptical of organized religions...

But I hope that you remain open to the possibility that there is something else out there...
Perhaps you will meet that ONE patient who may help you see that possibility...(it is a shame that those we oftentimes consider our guides and mentors take advantage of that trust and violate it with shameful acts)...

I don't know don't know me...but I have experienced something that simply is beyond words to describe...the near death experience CHANGES you.
