My son at his first Tournament


White Belt
Hello all. I joined a month or so ago but tonight is the first real night I have had time to start digging into this place. I love it. I don't have any vids of me in action but I do have one of my son at his first tournament. He just turned 7 and had been training for about 5-6 months at this point. This was in 07. He has since been training for almost 2 years and is now a Red Belt w/ one strip in Tang Soo Do. Me, I'm a Purple and have been training for about 1 year and 3 months.

Check it out. I'm a very proud papa. Tournament 2007/target0.html

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We are always happy when a parent feels proud enough to post clips of their children.
Keep encouraging him . I think he has a great future in store.
It is nice to see parent involvement with there childern, keep him going who knows one day he could be the next action star