My Sides Hurt (Video)

and they were doing this why?
Interesting. When I studied TKD, Mr. Rhee had our recently promoted BB and a visiting 2nd Dan from Korea, blindfold themselves, touch hands, and go at it, hands only though. The drill was to be able to fight with no light. Not something our BB had been drilled in yet. He ended up on the floor.

Some 15 years or so ago, US Dept of State personal security guards used to train in a darkened room, where one person had a hood over their head. At a point known to all but the hooded individual, the hood was raised by a rope, and the hooded person had to fight off several other security guards. I don't know if they still train that way or not. That was back when Ms Albright was sec of State, but I don't think she had anything to do with picking that kind of training.