My journey begins


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I tested yesterday for instructor in Marcial Tirada Kali, and passed, so now it looks like the real journey to discovery begins.
Congratulations! This is great news!
Do you have any specific plans at this point, Ron?
Congrats Oulobo, so I guess this means instructing! Are you an assistant like we do in TKD after black belt 1st or do you form your own classes? Yes, I would think it would open up a new world for you. Best wishes. TW
Welcome to the club. To achieve a Instructors rank is a great accomplishment only reached by few people who start MA. Congrats and many kudos. :>)
Congrats on your achievement. good luck in your future endeavors.
Oh!! I see now!! I went back and read your original post and it says right there what rank you tested for........when I first read it, I thought it said you tested FOR and then the instructor's name!! ignore my rank question above and congrats again!!
Thanks for all the congrats guys.

As for the future, well, I'm going to continue in this art and teach. I can help at the home school, but now I can open my own or do seminars. I'm already involved in Bando and two types of Silat; I'm getting regular training in MMA, Yoga and Muay Thai; and I'm working towards deeper involvment in a few other FMAs. Toss on top of that an interest in Tai Chi and I think my future in the arts looks busy.
Hello, Your journey had begun the day you started. You had to go though many steps to be where you are. When you look back from the time you started, doesn't it feel good to know? You had progress so much in your life!

Your future journey will only get better. I like to use trees as example of our growth when I try to explain to the younger kids and adults. Each person will make their own tree...some will grow big,others branch out,some will not grow, what you put into it, will make the kind of tree you have. Make it grow rich in knowledge and never ending.

Make your journey a GOOD ONE!.....Congratulations...Aloha