I said i will put report here after the tournament finish. Well..let's start with results - i lost my first match, and my only one, according to that. Now about else..
About feeling
It was so wonderful experience!! I traveled with my club, meet a lot of people, seen a lot off stuff! And, i think that the tournament day is really special day for every individual, it's simply different, ''tournament day''. I think everybody knows what i mean with that! This was my first tournament and i'm so happy about that, so wondeful experience, at all, fact that i lost fight doesn't matter a bit.
About fight
Here i learned a lot of stuff. I hoped that tellings how somebody has different skills on tournament and on tranining was a lie. Well, it wasn't. First few hours there was ok - easy streching, talking with people, watching fights..it was ok really. Until the 10 minutes before my fight. I totally losted myself, shaking, confusion..after 5 times i failed in taking the gloves on, i know it's not good. When i steped in the ring, totally perception failure ocurred. No sounds, no field depth feeling, no nothing. I even forgot what chumbi means..offcourse, i lost the fight, 6 : 2. Fight was 1 round 2 minutes, but i have the feeling it was about 10 seconds. My opponent was second at the end, and i found out that he is kickbox and box champion, so as 1. dan taekwondo. This in combination with my state of mind equals no good. After fight i looked at the scoreboard to see result, and then i realised i hited him twice!! I don't know when and how. I also don't remember takin' 6 hits, except one which almost broke my rib cage. Now you can imagine how i feelted during the fight.
Now, i must accept what i learned and try to fix it. Coach sad to me that i am very brave only because entering the fight - because i knewed i will get beaten - well it's strong competition, and i'm 21 years senior with no experience, which mean in the beggining i will almost always get if not strong then at least experienced opponent.
But, ice must be broken, and i will past if needs 100 more ''fights'' like this where i am beaten and demoralized in front of 1000 people, but i will train my mind to keep perception even when it comes to stress and fight.
Just to add, i think i would be really hard rock for this opponent if i could fight like in my dojo during training. But..
As you see, really wonderful experience for me.
Every advice or critic is welcome!!!!
Now, back to dojo!!