My ex-wife was killed (not really... this is humor)


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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Now before everyone starts machine-gunning the "Report to Moderator" button, this is not a real person. I repeat, this is not a real person.

I don't kow why a line from a Guns n Roses song is now running though my head

I used to love her, but I had to kill her
I knew I miss her
So I had to keep her
She's buried right in my back yard
I just hope, for her sake, that the broom wedged itself in the tree!
years ago my (recent) ex was helping me clean out the apartment we'd been sharing. i was finishing the kitchen when she came in and asked me for a broom.

i couldn't help myself. i said...

"i though you told me you already had a ride home"

some day i'll be mature enough to be embarrassed for having said that. today is not that day.