My Dojaang is open to victoms of Katrina


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I relize that alot of people was put out by Katrina me and my wife decided after today anybody that is in the DFW area of Texas from the states that was destroyed and you are temporally here for the duration we would gadly take you into our school of TKD for the time being until you can finally get back home. My school is located in Arlington at the Six Flkag Mall if you will e-mail me I.ll give you instruction how to find the school. Also any other styles that just need some matt time to stay in shape we will try to accomadate you folks as well. Please my Dojaang is yours if need be.

Master Stoker
terryl965 said:
I relize that alot of people was put out by Katrina me and my wife decided after today anybody that is in the DFW area of Texas from the states that was destroyed and you are temporally here for the duration we would gadly take you into our school of TKD for the time being until you can finally get back home. My school is located in Arlington at the Six Flkag Mall if you will e-mail me I.ll give you instruction how to find the school. Also any other styles that just need some matt time to stay in shape we will try to accomadate you folks as well. Please my Dojaang is yours if need be.

Master Stoker
Very Honorable
Terry, that is wonderful. Thank you for being a generous person. :asian:
upnorthkyosa said:
Has anyone taken your offer?
Yes we have a family daughter starting on Monday and hopefully we can help some others over the next week or so. My life is humble and students of the arts are very strong will people I hope my little part will bring smiles to one child or adult in there time of need.
Master Stoker
I appreciate the kind word, but what needs to be done is more schools across the land to open there doors to help those in there month of need, I know of a school in Houston doing the same thing. Please if you are where victom are open your school for them if you have one or ask if the instructor would help those less fortunite right now.

Thanks Everyone
Terry Lee Stoker
One day at a time!
Mr. Stoker I think what you are doing is a very honorable and great thing. Your kind will be repiad one day for sure.

In the spirit of bushido!

in my faith there is a blessing to those who help those in the most amount of need. what i rember of it is really just an apeel to the Dagda (king of the immortals, and patron of widom amoungst other things), Lugh (his warrior son), and Ioinus (a liitle know goddess of women and childern). the apeel is the for strength and courage needed to continue your task. when i remeber it i'll post it untill then may the divine ones look after you, the victims of that horrible event and all those who are helping.

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