Mostly Harmless
Hey guys. I signed up for mustaches vs cancer, a two month long mustach-a-thon and charity fundraiser for the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
The idea is, I start clean shaven, which is something my coworkers can attest is a rarity for me. Then, as I cultivate a magnificent mustache (no beards, no goatees... only 100%, 1970's era goodness here, folks) I convince people to kick in a few dollars to help the good people at MSKCC in their work to research cures and treat cancer. In return for your kind hearted, charitable donation, I will continue to grow this mustache, posting regular pictures (at least weekly) and probably looking pretty damned silly in the process.
Please take a look and consider tossing a few dollars into the pot. I posted more details and links to things like tax information and such on my blog.
Here's my first, clean shaven picture:
Thanks, guys.
The idea is, I start clean shaven, which is something my coworkers can attest is a rarity for me. Then, as I cultivate a magnificent mustache (no beards, no goatees... only 100%, 1970's era goodness here, folks) I convince people to kick in a few dollars to help the good people at MSKCC in their work to research cures and treat cancer. In return for your kind hearted, charitable donation, I will continue to grow this mustache, posting regular pictures (at least weekly) and probably looking pretty damned silly in the process.
Please take a look and consider tossing a few dollars into the pot. I posted more details and links to things like tax information and such on my blog.
Here's my first, clean shaven picture:

Thanks, guys.