Musicians who died at 27 years of age......

I imagine this is the age that bodies give up when drug and alcohol fuelled to the gills every day of the week.
I imagine this is the age that bodies give up when drug and alcohol fuelled to the gills every day of the week.

Makes you wonder what the hell is keeping this bloke alive then.

I think the ones who died younger are the angsty ones or the ones that abused substances as an escape from lives they did not feel in control of. The likes of Keith Richards, Iggy Pop etc., I think they have less fraught personalities somehow and the manifestations of their substance abuses are not internalised so much. Anyway, I am glad to be over the 27 barrier :)
My brother died at 26 after suffering a long drawn out illness so self inflicted damage tends not to impress me I'm afraid especially when that person has a privileged life style.

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