Muscle tonus increase after training, decay in a week?


Brown Belt
Aug 21, 2023
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Not sure in which subform to post this, so i put it here. The question is really about muscle physiology, and the normal variability and dynamics of muscle tonus (the resting tension).

Genereally too large muscle tonus, can be problematic and leave you tensed, but a minimum resting tension is required and can help to maintain good posture and balanced muscle tones.

I noticed that my back issues are temporariliry better up to 3 days after certain training. But then falls back to normal. So "regular" training seems to help, and my theory is that it has to do with an elevated muscle tonus that follows from certain types of training. I'm not expert, so I don't knoey from thoery if this is reasonable, but the idea is supported by that I noticed the same phenomena from other muslces, say arms and chest. If I do regularly arma and chest training, my muscle TONUS is higher annd better at explosive executions, but only for a few days! IF I STOP all training, this "benefit" seems to disssipate say after a week.

Anyone else noticing this, or anyone educated in advanced muscle physiology that can confirm or debunk this theory?

The benefity I see are real, I just seek to understand the mechanism responsible for it.

Notat that I am not talking about building muscles or loosing muscles mass, I'm talking about the muscle tonus, or resting tension.

Another "theory" is that this "tension" is part of an inflammatory response related to muscle soreness? Would that affect muscle tonus?