Master of Arts
I'm considering beginning training Muay Thai, but I have a particular concern about what affect the training will have on my knees, particularly the left one. The joint there tends to get inflammed every so often, causing mild pain there for no particular reason during periods of inactivity. (The medical term is patello-femoral pain disorder.) It's not serious, and there's no particular reason it should ever develop into something serious so long as I exercise it properly and treat the inflammation. (Unless my doctors are lying to me.)
Now, keeping this in mind, just how hard is Muay Thai on the knees? Is getting roundhoused on the side of the knee a major concern of anyone's? Does anyone think Muay Thai sparring would be a bad idea altogether?
Now, keeping this in mind, just how hard is Muay Thai on the knees? Is getting roundhoused on the side of the knee a major concern of anyone's? Does anyone think Muay Thai sparring would be a bad idea altogether?