Muay Thai Injury!


White Belt
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hi there, I think I've injured my lower leg, possibly I've jarred the bone/joint somehow, maybe kicking, possibly bad technique. There is no visable injury and most of the time I suffer no discomfort but during sparring I find it difficult to block even fairly light kicks with my lower shin without it starting to hurt until very quickly it becomes too painful to continue. This isn't just a case of bruising - I know what that feels like too! It's a much deeper pain. I wonder if anyone has experienced anything similar or can suggest any treatment. I visited my doctor who said basically, tough, you'll have to put up with it, it's just the way your body's made, but I know it isn't cos it's only been a problem for the last couple of months (since a fight) and it's only my left leg! Help!!
Never had the problem but sounds like you should get a second opinion, maybe insist on an xray too. Hairline fractures do happen.
If something doesn't feel right, it's usually not right. What Akira said, you better get that looked at. Especially since the discomfort only started after that fight. Best bet is to go see some specialists, Physio is usually a great place to start. In addition to a x-ray, a MRI scan might be worth getting too -

Just to make sure you cover all your bases. You don't want to look back and realise you could have done something when you didn't.

I actually had a mallet finger injury for 1 month before I did something about it, I speak from experience, its better getting it checked out asap.
Bone bruises can be very painful, and last forever, best advice is second opinion.
was that a fight without shinpads?

Its not the flesh on top of the shinbone that is brushed?
That happend to with a light sparring, and it hurts like a *****.
Could even feel with shinpads on.

but i second the 2 opinion and x ray.
Hi and thanks for the suggestions -

it was a fight with shinpads so I'm pretty sure it's not just surface bruising. It's weird but it feels like the way the muscle is attached to the bone or something. It's something inside the leg for sure, not a surface thing. Thanks again for all the help...