Muay thai helpppp plz


White Belt
I take muay thai classes, and i want to be a TANK at my school i want to be reallllllly tough., what kind of workout/training program can i do at home everyday to get there??!?!?!!
Aside from your training, do a lot of running, a lot of push ups, a lot of situps. Forget any weight training until you're really good. Muay thai fighters need quick muscles, not big slow ones. If you're training hard enough you'll notice in a few months you have zero body fat and your muscle size is increasing.

The two most common reasons beginners lose fights is through lack of conditioning, or lack of fitness. These are both easily overcome with hard training. Good luck!
I wouldn't worry about getting as big as a tank mate.
Work more towards getting your techniques spot on, then if you feel you want to get big, then do so.
However, bear in mind in muay thai, the bigger you are, the slower you're gonna be, especially if you go to fight in Thailand where they are lightning quick. I train in thailand and if i blink, i've missed a move, and im only 16!
They're so strong yet supple. The reason however, they seem to be able to defeat the bigger western lads is purely because their technique is 100%

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