MT member thwarts knife attack!

Lisa said:
Ya know Paul, I just gotta ask...

Were they visually impaired? Did they not see the size of you? I mean really? YOU ARE HUGE MAN! That pic in your profile shows you aren't exactly scrawny. That should be a deterrant in itself! :D

Well, I actually am only 3'9" and I only weigh 110 lbs, and I am female. I just borrowed that picture from someone else for my profile. :uhyeah:

Kidding of course.

When they first approached me, my head and half my body was in a freezer compartment of my truck. I don't think that they knew much of what I looked like other then my ***, of which I should be flattered that they didn't think that my *** was huge. ;). But seriously, I don't think that they thought this one through very well, yet they intended to get me by surprise and when I was vulnerable. Lucky for me, I know not to linger in a vulnerable position like that if I can avoid it, so I was out of the freezer before they were able to engage me.

Also, the second assailent was actually bigger then me; not muscular, though, just taller and fatter.

That said, I think that maybe appearance and aggression ultimitaly was what made them run away. Even though I went for my gun, I don't know if they really saw that in as much as the fact that I wasn't afraid to square off and I was ready to fight. After the first guy who had the knife was backed off, the second guy went to engage me, and I sqaured off to him immediately and aggressively. It was at that point that they decided it wasn't worth it, lucky for everyone.

I would also like to say that although I was extremely glad that I had my gun on me, in hindsight I am also glad that I didn't have to shoot anyone that day. Although I fully intended too had they have continued the assault, that would have complicated my life a lot more then I was prepared for.

Hey Paul,

Glad to here that you are okay. Those types of situations can
certainly get pretty hairy. Way to stay alert and aware to what
was happening around you. Did the police get any leads on who
the individuals were or were they long gone when they showed
up? Take care and maybe you should rethink doing deliveries in
Pontiac as that is definately one tough town. :)

Brian R. VanCise
Tulisan said:
Well, I actually am only 3'9" and I only weigh 110 lbs, and I am female. I just borrowed that picture from someone else for my profile. :uhyeah:

:xtrmshock :xtrmshock :xtrmshock :xtrmshock

Seriously though, I'm glad to hear that you're ok!!


Do you think your attackers were serious about taking your life or even hurting you or were they more intent on robbing you?

upnorthkyosa said:

Do you think your attackers were serious about taking your life or even hurting you or were they more intent on robbing you?


That is a good question, but I think it would be hard to know in a split second.
Do you think your attackers were serious about taking your life or even hurting you or were they more intent on robbing you?

One never really knows for sure unless one is willing to throw themselves at the mercy of their attacker to find out.

I think it is always a safe bet to assume if someone has a knife they want to kill you. Otherwise one may end up second guessing and get hurt or killed
Sorry you had to be in that situation Paul, but it sounds you handled it the right way.Glad to hear all is well.
Marvin said:
I think it is always a safe bet to assume if someone has a knife they want to kill you. Otherwise one may end up second guessing and get hurt or killed

I would concur.

Good Point
Marvin said:
I think it is always a safe bet to assume if someone has a knife they want to kill you. Otherwise one may end up second guessing and get hurt or killed

Me to....couldn't agree more.
I totally agree with what has been posted. Its best to assume the worst. I was just wondering if any "questioning of intent" happened or if the reaction a "think later" type of reaction. It's kinda rare that you get to question someone whose just been through this type of thing.
upnorthkyosa said:
I totally agree with what has been posted. Its best to assume the worst. I was just wondering if any "questioning of intent" happened or if the reaction a "think later" type of reaction. It's kinda rare that you get to question someone whose just been through this type of thing.

As an afterthought (because during the incident I was just reacting to a violent situation with no time to asses their psychological make-up), I am guessing that they probably didn't intend to killed me (but it doesn't meant that they wouldn't have), but definatily intended too ruff me up. I know for sure that they weren't looking for a fight, but were looking for a victim. This is why when I gave them a fight, they ran. This provides an example as to why it is usually the best idea to fight back and not be a victim.

An important thing to note was that I didn't see what type of knife it was until after the incident (remember, I ejected the knife and it was on the ground when they ran). I knew it was a knife based on how he was holding the object, the approach, and because it was metal, but that is about it.
