Mr. Parker said


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Athol, Ma. USA
That's is the whole of this thread.
Saying heard by those here or from what others have told them.
Just give us some of those "Parker said' saying
Although I forget what we were talking about at the time, I'm positive what he told me, "To hear is to doubt, to see is to be deceived, to feel is to believe."

Five years later as a rookie cop, my range master pulled a really cool stunt to teach me something. I slapped my head and said "Ed Parker. "
Here is one you probably haven't heard: When asked if he would ever bodyguard for Boy George, Mr. Parker joked, "No, because then he would need a second bodyguard to protect him from his bodyguard." :)
One of my favorites -

"Desire, perspire, acquire." - Ed Parker

Short, to the point.
really folks I remember the days when this thread would have 4 or 5 pages in less than a day. Have we lost so many Kenpo people over the years or just ones that studied under the GM or under his students
really folks I remember the days when this thread would have 4 or 5 pages in less than a day. Have we lost so many Kenpo people over the years or just ones that studied under the GM or under his students

I think it's just random traffic flow for the most part. /// ......then I stopped and tried to figure when he passed away. Had to look it up. 1990, going on 24 years. Can it be that long ago? Damn and G damn some more. I guess it's like anything else. Talk to a really sharp twelve year old about 9/11, and he has no point of actual reference. I guess I'm like that, too. I know about William Chow and James Mitose. Read as much as the next guy, talked to those who knew them. But my reference is different.

But! Back to the quotes....

"To beat action, meet it."

I know it's one of the first ones people refer to, but it's such a solid tactical plan. Bruce Lee called it a "stop hit" and I'm sure the "Way of the Intercepting Fist" is well known. Maybe it's one of the reasons he and Bruce got along so well - philosophical similarities.
Damn I did not think it had been that long ago that he passed. Your right time passes way to fast.
really folks I remember the days when this thread would have 4 or 5 pages in less than a day. Have we lost so many Kenpo people over the years or just ones that studied under the GM or under his students

I'll put a plug in for Mr. Hubbard's other board. might get a lot more responses on there.
I was lucky to spend sometime with Mr. Parker on two occasions. He had a seminar at Sandy Sandoval Studio and the next day he was at the Seattle Open and then afterwards a picnic at Sandy Sandoval house. Then the next year he came again and he remember me. Although I'm a student of GGM Ralph Castro he treated me as one of his, he was always joking and willing to answer anything you asked him.
Here is one you probably haven't heard: When asked if he would ever bodyguard for Boy George, Mr. Parker joked, "No, because then he would need a second bodyguard to protect him from his bodyguard." :)
Is there some context to this that needs explaining? Because otherwise it sounds homophobic. Did Parker have some reason to dislike Boy George other than his sexuality?
Is there some context to this that needs explaining? Because otherwise it sounds homophobic. Did Parker have some reason to dislike Boy George other than his sexuality?
It was a joke, and yes it was an homophobic joke. You are just going to have to get over it, or doubt it ever happened. LOL
It was a joke, and yes it was an homophobic joke. You are just going to have to get over it, or doubt it ever happened. LOL
To be honest it's less the 'joke' itself that I find sad, more the fact that someone would choose to celebrate such an ugly sentiment