Movies You Should Hate...but Love, AKA Guilty Pleasures


Senior Master
Are there any movies you are embarrassed to admit you like? Ones that the rest of the world despises, or just doesn't "get?" Well, you can share those titles judgement free here!

I'll start: INFRA-MAN, a precursor to POWER RANGERS that is full of enough cheesy over the top nonsense to last you a lifetime. For example, the main villain(ess) is named Princess Dragon Mum. (That is how they pronounce it anyway!) One of the professors tells a group of the world's leaders: "This situation is so bad that it is the worst that ever has been!"

Little known fact: the guy who stars as Inframan also plays the cop that tracks down Chow Yun Fat's hitman in THE KILLER. Now THAT was a movie you don't have to be ashamed to like!
Judgement free you say? Well, ok....

Mine are....Judgement free; I'm taking you at your word!

Hudson Hawk and Ishtar come to mind immediately.
Judgement free you say? Well, ok....

Mine are....Judgement free; I'm taking you at your word!

Hudson Hawk and Ishtar come to mind immediately.

Judgement-free from ME at least. I can't speak for anyone else. And I never saw either of those movies, so I can't even give my own opinion on them.
Heroes of the East a Shaw Brothers production
Flying Guillotine also a Shaw Brothers production
The Devil Wears Prada.
I know, but I can't help myself. Myrle Streep's performance just rocks.
Thanks to the wife, I have this as my guilty pleasure for TV:


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Batman & Robin. One of the worst movies ever made it`s so bad it is.. still bad but enjoyable like scratching mosquito bites or something. "WHAT KILLED THE DINOSAURS? DA AICE AGE!
Batman & Robin. One of the worst movies ever made it`s so bad it is.. still bad but enjoyable like scratching mosquito bites or something. "WHAT KILLED THE DINOSAURS? DA AICE AGE!

I never saw the whole thing. From what I watched, it WAS bad...but in my mind it wasn't even a "so bad it's good" kind of bad. LOL
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra and GI: Retaliation. "Dumb as catbutt" to quote a review, but so awesome I just don`t care. COBRA-LALALA!