Move your front foot first or move your back foot first?

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
In the following video, when he moves forward or left, he moves his "front" foot first, his back foot then follow.

He can also move his "back" foot first, his front foot then moves forward or moves to the left.

What's the difference here? Which method do you prefer and why? Your thought?
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If I kick, my back foot comes up behind my front foot and I kick. If I punch, my front foot moves first and my back foot follows. This is only for teaching newer students because once you have trained for years the feet just move and the techniques just happen.
It depends on where you are stepping. If you were stepping backward, you would be clumsy stepping with your front foot 1st, so that means you must step with your back foot 1st. Stepping to the side (with left lead), stepping to the right you would lead with your rear foot, if you stepped with your front foot you would have a weak base and be setting yourself up to get rocked. It's solely about efficiency.
Yeah my stance wants to be wider when I move not narrower. Except with that step up kick season mentioned.
Normal procedure in every art I practice is to first move the foot that is the direction you are going. When stepping forward, move the front foot first. When stepping backwards, move the back foot first. When circling left, move the left foot first. When circling right, move the right foot first. This helps you to maintain a stable stance.

There are times you can break the rule. You might occasionally sneak your rear foot up so as to lunge farther than your opponent expects with a jab or a shot. You might throw a skipping kick with the front foot which requires your rear foot to move up first. These are exceptions to the general rule.
If I am stepping, the front foot moves first. If I am kicking, the back foot moves up to the front and then I kick. When stepping backward, back foot then front,
It just depends what is needed at the time. I'm a very small guy and many times I shuffle in,that is push off with my rear foot to go worward. There's times where I need to go back quickly and I push off with my forward foot. I may do a twist stance, or move my forward or back foot to the side. It depends on the attack.

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