Motivational Song?

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
So I heard this song a few weeks ago, and it's been stuck in my head. Part of me looks at the song and finds it motivational, and a reminder to keep working, particularly with the grind of always rolling or sparring with people better than me. Part of me thinks about back when I was fencing, how I'd feel listening to this song after I lost a match, and i'm pretty sure it would have made me furious. I don't know if the change is because I'm no longer competing, so I'm not putting as much pressure on myself (which is definitely true), or if it's a maturity thing.

What's everyone else's thoughts on this song?

Warning: if you have kids and don't want them to hear curse words, don't listen to this song around them. There's not a lot, but there is some.
