Most Difficult Kicking Cominations

  • Thread starter Thread starter the_kicking_fiend
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I've always been fond of fairly short kicking combinations, maybe 3 or 4 kicks in sequence with great speed an important factor. I was just wondering what you're favourite combinations are and those which you aspire to do which you can't master right now? What's the best combo you've seen?

Personally, I've been practising a combo recently...
1. medium turning kick
2. very quickly afterwards high turning kick
3. swing the leg back round and execute a hook kick without the hook (like a reverse turning kick but without the spin)

Roundhouse to the middle followed by 360 backkick to the sternum. followed by the axe kick to finish them off... God Bless America
Tornado roundhouse immediately followed by a back roundhouse. Usually try to go so fast I lose balance somewhere along the line.
I think what makes a good combination is a change in direction of attack. As in not always attacking from roundhouse type directions but using straight attacks and downward attacks too. I liked terry's combination a lot. Included all three different attacks and trickery by using the 360 backkick rather than a standard one. One question, say you iniate the combo with a left leg rounhouse off the back leg (or front leg), would you then use the same leg for the 360 backkick and the same leg for the axe kick? That was my interpretation, I worry that inbetween the roundhouse and 360 there is a fairly long gap relatively and this may be exploited.

For me, a difficult kicking combination comes in my form. Butterfly kick (right leg kicks), reverse kick(left leg), back leg side kick (right leg). While trying to stay in a straight line the entire time.
My favorite kicking combination right now is a right mid-section RH, then a tornado kick into a back spin kick! Killa!
The Combo I'm working on right now is a Low High immediate roundhouse setting the kicking foot down in front and turning for a reverse sidekick to the sternum setting that down so my back is still to my oppenent then coming around for a spinning cresent kick followed immediatly with spinning backfist. Now I know the backfist isnt legal in tourny, But hey I like it added in anyway for when I practice.

Well, my favorite combo is a back leg round kick, followed by a butterfly kick. And just in case the butterfly kick doesn't work I just add a back kick. This usually gets them most of the time .

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