Monopoly is back at micky D's


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Monoply game is back at Micky D's So if any one get Boardwalk let me know I got park place well share the million ok ?:asian:
okay but it's a 60/40 split because everyone knows that Boardwalk is a more expensive piece of property than Park Place.

(j/k) ;)

But actually they should print out more of those pieces even if it's just ONE winner they can say the first to turn it in gets it... I dunno how many discarded fry boxes, and (X-lg) drink cups I see laying on the sidewalks, piling up the garabage cans and what-nots that still have the game pieces on them. Someone just threw away a million bucks... hmm must've been Gates.
...but then again would Gates EAT at a Mickey D's??
If this one is anything like the last one they did no one needs to worry about winning 'cause one of the top execs already has all the winning pieces in his pocket.:mad:
hmm a chance to win a million dollars or not eating at McDonalds.... I'll take the 2nd.
well..sometimes you win free fries and stuff...*G