
I'd like to point out that this is a 2-hour long video.
Yep, its a long video. Any portion of it is worth watching because it challenges some assumptions that people usually accept.

The main thing that I think that people can benefit from watching this movie is to realize how "the control of money" controls everything about your life.

You are a SLAVE to the people who control money. It doesn't matter if you own a business, if you work for the government, or if you are a big shot investor. If you are not on the inside cabal that controls money, you are a slave to what they decide.

Some of this video goes into what society would be like without money and I think that those ideas deserve more exposure. On the other hand, I see Mayan society operating without a formal currency and sacrificing humans as a mainstay.

So, there's no magical utopia no matter where you look. I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps by examining our assumptions, we might come closer to what that "answer" might be...
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no matter how loud I turn up the volume it's not clear enough (some videos are) without some captioned or subtitled to help make it easier understood. The other one that is made by the same company had it... I did a search but in-so-far haven't been able to find it. :idunno: What's the point of watching two hours of something I don't understand completely?? Even the first 25 minutes :D
Darn edit button. Slave is too harsh. Serf is too. However, there is a huge difference in power and influence. More so then most expect.
Of course the video is long he is talking about money that none of us will ever have.:rofl: